Characters: Riza Wildman, Gumi
Location: Outside the girls' dorm and on the grounds
Time: Probably sometime at night!
Content: Gumi needs to tire herself out. Riza offered to help.
Format: I'm starting off in prose but I'm not too particular.
Warnings: None.
You know, Riza really needed this. She'd been wound tight for days, and even the familiar Sacramento streets couldn't distract her for very long. And when that Gumi girl cottoned to the idea of running around to tire herself out, Riza couldn't help herself. She invited herself along for the ride. This way she'd be able to forget about the world for a while, and maybe she'd get a new friend out of the whole thing, too. Hell, the girl seemed cool enough.
So Riza was waiting around for Gumi to show up. She didn't look like anything special; black form-fitting tee and green camo jeans as always. This had happened too fast for her to change into anything more appropriate. Which would be interesting if they decided to swim, but whatever. Running would work. Yeah. Yeah, this would be fun.