Characters: Gumi and Reki
Location: Outside Gumi's workshop
Time: after Gumi has sads, possibly multiple times of leaving food at door?
Content: Goodbyes suck. Gumi is in hiding.
Format: prose
Warnings: a mun still feeling guilty for being part of these sads GAH DX none
It had been business as usual for Reki as he scanned through lists and records, sorting the digital files and correcting errors and changes. At the moment, he was looking through the enrollment records and noticing the ones that had left the Institute.
"... Oh damn it..."
Reki recognized a few names cued for removal from the attendance lists. One had been expected, seeing as Reki heard about the last music empath not adapting at all to recent changes. The other name however... he hadn't expected at all. There were others too. He also knew of someone who wouldn't be taking the newest absences so well.
He sighed and looked over to Aiko the printer, still not sure if she could hear him. "I think your mommy is going to need a lot of pasta..." Reki closed his book, went to get his bicycle, and took a quick trip to the Salem Center.
The technopath arrived at Gumi's workshop door with a take out box with piping hot pasta garnished with plenty of carrots. Knock knock knock.
"... Gumi? I brought you something."