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Jan 19, 2010 12:41

Hi, I'm Jean-Paul Beaubier.

Not to be picky or anything, but I want my name to be pronounced correctly. So here's a short audio sequence to help you out.

[The voice recognition clicks on. Have a French-Canadian accent.]

[Jean-Paul Beaubier. Not 'Jeeeen Pohl' -- or whatever you can come up with.]

[And it's back to text.]

The fact that you're mostly Americans probably means you will still butcher it, so I'm offering an alternative. You can go with JP.




Yes, it's pronounced "GP" -- the J is in French the P is in English. It's the way it's pronounced. No, it's not logical. Do I complain about your generally illogical English spelling and about your English names? Nope, I don't. And I even pronounce them right so there is no way you shouldn't be able to say "JP" correctly.

Now that this is out of the way, I heard people in the States all had a stick up their ass and didn't know how to have fun. Something like Ontarians. But you can't really be as bad as Ontarians, because that would be very sad. So give me hope, here, and please tell me I'm not going to bore myself out of my mind for the next couple of years.

jean-paul beaubier

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