► i'm your biggest fan i'll follow you until you love me

Mar 17, 2010 23:16

I’m back. Hope you didn’t miss me too much, Xavier’s. And as always I have only the very best to share with you all.

Let’s begin with our very own staff, shall we? SPOTTED: Courfeyrac and Enjolras, kissing. My, my - and we always thought that Mr. E was supposed to be uptight. Not to mention C’s relationship with Warren Worthington and Lara Raith and Angela Montenegro. I heard French men were supposed to be promiscuous, but I think the term manslut is most appropriate here.

Not to mention the fact that Ororo Munroe seems to have quite the surprising amount of connections to the Egyptian Mafia. Is it really wise of the Professor to be hiring teachers with pasts like these? You know how impressionable we can be.

Holly J is our favourite Queen Bitch of the Institute, although she doesn’t hold a candle to B back in the Upper East Side. Still, it looks like Queen J has quite a few skeletons in her closet - in the form of a sister who works for Reverend Stryker and is currently working on how to bring the Mutant Registration Act into fruition. Who’s to say where her loyalties lie?

For those of you who may be fans of various musical groups, you have nothing on Neku Sabakura, who has quite the collection of Vocaloid merchandise. His favourite member even goes to this school: his admiration for Miku Hatsune probably borders on creepy in this girl’s mind.

SPOTTED: Hiiro and Duo. In a rather…compromising position. Why is this so scandalous, you ask? Because Duo also happens to be dating Temari. Time to come out of the closet, boys. There’s not enough room in there for three.

Kate Bishop has spent the last three months in rehab for alcoholism, but her rich daddy covered it up. No wonder you left so suddenly, K.

Alto Saotome has poor naïve Prince Feng wrapped around her little finger. She was an actress back in Japan and don’t you know, Prince? Never trust a diva. It’s a trainwreck waiting to happen, and we’ll be waiting with the popcorn when it does.

And finally, because we all need something frivolous to laugh at, it seems as though Chouji Akimichi is now on a diet. Will wonders never cease? We recommend that you call Jenny Craig. Or perhaps lipo?

Until next time, Xaver’s.

You know you love me,


Gossip Girl.

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