Jan 15, 2010 21:46
The instructions are the same as before: Comment to this post stating something to the effect of "your character may know mine if ... (they were a member of the X-Men/part of the same Mutant Crime Syndicate/went to the same high school/were part of the same secret experimental government project/etc.)". If you have more than one character, please put them in the same comment, and it also helps if you put names in the subject bar for easy perusing!
Then go comment to other people - either to go, "hey! my character was also part of that MCS/grew up in that town/frequents that internet forum! They could totally have met!" or to point out that while they may not have met before it would be TOTALLY AWESOME IF THEY MET NOW SO LET'S WORK OUT HOW TO DO THAT - to that end, it's also helpful to add what kind of places around the Institute your character usually hangs out, what classes they take (if you have that stuff worked out), and what extracurricular activities they do. If you're playing a character with a codename/secret identity, you might want to mention whether their identity is public.
Essentially, it's for establishing pre-existing character relationships, and for plotting new ones/asking for threads. Both are equally encouraged!
Remember this is mostly geared towards helping newer characters find their footing, so try not to clog up the first page working out new CR between characters who've been here for months unless they're really in need of some friends.
cr post