Apr 12, 2010 19:20


Wow, guys, I am absolutely THRILLED at the reception this plot has gotten and I'm really excited to show my cards when it comes to the next couple parts! I've got a lot of good stuff up my sleeve and hopefully it should be really fun for everybody.

uuuuunfortunately it is coming to my attention that there are WAY


WAY tons of people interested in participating in the rescue coming up in Part Two. However, the way the plot is written and the way Part Two is set up, having too many people aboard is going to put a serious kink in the running of things and make it ultra complex.

As such, I need two things from you:

1. Unfortunately, I need to limit participation in the on-board, physically on-the-ship segment of the rescue to ONE CHARACTER PER MUN.

No, this does not include kidnapped children-- if you have a person kidnapped, you may still play one on the rescue team. No, this does not include students taking part in the distraction plans or who plan to stay on board the jet. No, this does not include anybody who catches a ride with our new "friends" to intercept people coming back. This is for characters who ACTUALLY travel to the ship, ACTUALLY disembark and ACTUALLY run around the ship fighting things and looking for the kidnapped kids. ONE PER MUN.

The only exception I want to make here is if you are playing an adult character who has absolutely no reason NOT to be on the rescue-- ie: a member of the X-Men or other staff member. Even then, please limit yourself to TWO. Other than that, no exceptions. No "oh but it's ooc for them to not go", no "oh but they snuck on behind so and so", no "oh but they teleported in." If you have any questions about this, please post them here so I can answer them for you.

I really hate to do this, but due to the way Part Two is going to work it's going to become far too complicated and WAY too crowded if everybody throws in as many characters as they want. You'll have more fun controlling less people, it will last longer, and there will be more in the way of action for everybody if it doesn't become a total all-out assault.

There will still be things for other characters to do that are not directly on board the ship, so don't feel like you cannot participate because of this limitation!

2. I need everybody who wants to participate PHYSICALLY ON THE SHIP IN THE RESCUE to post here, so I can get an accurate headcount. YOU NEED TO POST HERE OR I WILL NOT BE CONSIDERING YOU IN THE RESCUE AND THEN I WILL BE REALLY ANNOYED. And you don't want Wesker annoyed. B|

Please sort yourself under the appropriate heading below. Remember, Part Two hasn't started yet-- you shouldn't expect it until Wednesday at the earliest. But there's PLENTY to do until then, so knock yourself out!

Thanks for understanding and cooperating, guys!



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