Characters: Matthew Williams, Alfred F. Jones
Location: XI Courtyard
Time: Mid-Afternoon
Content: More British french peoples for XI 8D
Warnings: Twin-y-ness
The flight over had been long and rather boring but it was surely worth it. Even if the scones stashed in his carry-on were starting to smell. He loved Arthur, he really did but he certainly wasn't a fan of his cooking. He would be sure to pass on 'the love' to Alfred at the first opportunity. After all, he was sure to appreciate it more.
"Ah, thank you." Matthew handed over a tip to the cab driver and hefted his bags. He miss Alfred at the oddest times. He surely wasn't a super strength mutant himself and Alfred would be able to help him carry. Of course he'd probably use his power to knock down Matthew's door...
Matthew would have to apologize to his roommate in advance.