Characters: Thomas, Maxxie, John Sheppard
Location: Around the Institute
Time: Post-Zombies; December 23, night
Content: Skulking. Innuendoing. Shenanigans. Breaking and Entering. Plots.
Format: Prose or action, either works.
Warnings: What part of "Thomas + Maxxie + Shenanigans" doesn't sound like a warning?
It had been practically hellish to get the night off with Christmas just around the corner, but by promising to pull double shifts on Christmas Eve to make up for it, Thomas had managed. But instead of relaxing or going back into the city and carousing, Thomas was parking his motorcycle a half mile from the Xavier Institute and creeping up to the brightly lit building.
He'd thought about it ever since Roderich had told him what Lara's job description was, but Thomas had harbour some little hope that he wouldn't have to resort to breaking and entering, not because there was a risk of getting caught but because there was a risk of letting his sister know of his presence. But most of the students had been less than interested in gossiping about their teachers and guidance counselors, and he'd finally realized the only way to figure out what Lara was up to would be to get into her files.
Which would explain why he was skulking around the grounds of the Xavier Institute, peering occasionally into windows. Thomas hoped fervently that nobody would decide to go outside for a smoke.