Part One Here Part One Plot Post Here Part One and a Half Here Part One and a Half Plot Post Here Part Two Plot Post Here Part Two Here Part Three Plot Post Here ((ooc: Remember to read the plot post for this part! Be sure to ask me if you have any questions!))
"I had always assumed that the variety of effects the virus brings about on its host were mere random mutations. However, witnessing first-hand the effects on Sergei combined with what I know of Marcus's transformation points to a common thread between their outcomes.
The host's mindset appears to influence the evolution of the virus. Sergei mutated into a monster whose very body is the picture of suffering as he was ripped apart from the inside by thorns. I can only imagine that his transformation represents the true mindset of the person he was inside. While I have no proof, my intuition tells me that this must be the case.
If the personality of the host can truly affect the course of the virus manifestation, where does that leave me?"
- Albert Wesker, "Wesker's Notes on Differing Mutations", Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles.
[/snotty epigraph]