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Trade Post!Player
Join Date: May 29, 2009
# of Cards: 2055
Level: 9
Current: Loyal, scarf.
Future: answer, boat, hyde, speech.
Future-future: Suits, 2ndyears, contest, evolution, concrete, piano, golden, xiaobo, stalk, older, brazil, closedeye, shining, viking, hadokyuu, look-alike, orchestra, power.
Hoarding: Silver, dash, cross~
Mastered decks
here and
here!Super Duper Trading Friends
Loyal: 16/20
Scarf: 15/20
Answer: 15/20
Boat: 17/20
Hyde: 14/20
Speech: 18/20
(Not collecting any of the below, they're just spiffy~)
Recollecting silver, cross, and dash for the LULZ. Duplicates are up for trade!
For Trade!
Over here T_____TLog
3/27: Traded endurance14/18, music02/03 for hadokyuu04/05, silver08/13. Traded injury17 for viking13.
3/7: Traded conference19 for emotion04.
3/3: Traded kansai07/08/16 for emotion12/18, look-alike05.
2/10: PaS: 3rokkaku. Traded crucifix09, kokeshi13 for suits07, hadokyuu19.
1/24: Update: emotion01. Traded sister07 for emotion06. Traded green10, smoke16 for orchestra/shining09.
1/17: PaS: item02. Traded whisper20, twodoors18 for evolution18, shining16. Traded style13, jiping18, linqi16, xiaopeng11 for cross18, power08, look-alike11, concrete02. Traded anneko08/20, flore04 for boat/piano11, orchestra06. SD: pure01, tako11, 01/02. I: emerald19, shrine17.
1/5: LLE: redeyes07, thirteen09 for besttension17, icchan12, orchestra16, stripes20. KK: tenimuhou10, kokeshi13, kouhou18.
1/4: Traded dearprince04 for golden16. MV: autumnbreeze08, deadweight01, 01. FK: compassion02, dash18, ojousan03.
1/3: PaS: clubroom/twodoors18.
1/2: S: style13, boy18.
1/1: WaI: closecall02, forfeit06, 01/4rudolph. Traded soliloquy15, pool17, okinawa02/5 for viking01, south18, lucky01/19. Update: 2ndyears01, closedeye09, closecall/whisper20, letsbowl11.
12/31: Switched balance01 for zansaber02.
12/26: Switched axing17 for speech13.
12/24: Traded presence20, request08, seaslug09 for orchestra03/8/19.
12/22: MV: hadokyuu08, orchestra20, 4other. GtS: picture09, zhouzhu07, request08, shitenb12, 02. PaS: viking11/17. CP: bell01, indoor05, axing17.
12/17: F: battery17/rhapsody04/4josei.
12/15: Traded closedeye03, shinogi06 for hyde15, takeover14. PaS: hyde17/19. Switched taakun17 for evolution17.
12/14: CP: balance01/oversleep16/return12.
12/9: Traded takoyaki13/16 for xiaobo12/18. Traded style16, stripes12, tongs05 for look-alike14, lucky16, 2ndyears06. Traded amiable16/17 for closedeye19, 2ndyears10.
12/6: Traded buffet07, best20, okiraku11, morning06 for concrete19, viking04, ohtake01, yougotgame08. Traded sidegenius/pure14 for speech/closedeye16. PaS: amiable16/17.
12/5: Traded cursed04 for hadokyuu13. Traded unique17 for brazil02. OR: taka-san14/15/17/19/ohtake15/gomenchai04/south01/05/12. Traded leangle02, roses15, aritamina17, todai08/16 for hadokyuu01, viking12, gomenchai18, south10, yougotgame19.
12/4: Traded kagayake13/16/ecstasy01/17/argument11 for older05/viking16/hadokyuu03/11/14. Traded deadend08/17 for look-alike03/04. Mastered onmyway: loyal17/practice18/weiming19/4yamabuki. Update: 2ndyears/form12/brazil04/mirror11/aritamina17/rhapsody03; kagerou/besttension13/competition04/semero06/closedeye03; 2ndround04/bracelet14/icchan10/speech07/unique17/twins18; stripes12/tongs05/orchestra12/2ndyears15/lucky11/answer03. OR: taka-san09/viking14/yougotgame14/three13/dreambeliever07/09/10/13/19.
12/1: F: rackets18/manager19/cavemen08/yougotgame11/4rokkaku.
11/30: Traded scudserve12/vampire11 for 2ndyears13/hadokyuu20.
11/29: SD: argument11/fuun17/3higa/02. OR: nobody16/19, return09/13/14. PaS: 4rikkai; learn10. Mastered okurimono: platinum11/help15/onmyway18/4rikkai. CP: look-alike08/brazil18/kyouju04. SHS: CP+wild12 for onmyway08/14. FK: roster15/takkun03/vampire11. MV: deadend17/nfu13/3shiten. K: energetic17/gomenchai18/sidegenius14. F: bullies14/impromptu02/3seigaku. PaS: satoupii06/20/deadend08.
11/28: OR: hadokyuu09/12/15/18, viking03/06/07/09/10/15/18. Traded twins02/adventure13 for golden04/scarf13. Traded argument19 for silver01. SG: gontakure15/higher18/3seiru. PaS: paperairplane09. Switched director01 for closedeye03. F: fanta03/flore02/4hyotei; takoyaki16/smash04/4yamabuki.
10/14: Traded cake19, deadend11 for scarf05, stalk04.
10/10: emerald11, stairs07, memories08, zansaber11, minor12, kyouju17 for okurimono02/08/10. Leveled up: argument19, haide16, legs03, christmas01, bandanna08, onmyway02, 4other.
10/7: Traded suger08, zumi-chan17 for scarf19, shining12. F: memories08, zansaber11, 4other. PaS: minor12, best20.
10/3: OR: yougotgame10x4, wonderfuldays09, ohtake12, three05/06/16, zansaber11; ohtake03/08, zansaber15, smily06, piano02, contest14, semero05. Traded serves15/17 for three09, closedeye13.
10/2: U: closedeye10, psychology11, tabibito17; academy07, kaipara09, suger08, east05, closedeye04; adventure/keep13, deadend11, evolution01; shinogi06, shining14, zumi-chan17, 2ndyears04, speech12.
9/18: F: west05, endurance18, 4higa. Traded hairclips16, season17 for higamyu08, golden17. [Scoresheet Complete+1] PaS: 4other. Traded adopted03/16, rooftop19 for silver01, 2ndyears18, speech08. S: collapse13.
8/30: OR: semero03, look-alike12/13, power01/03/10. PaS: change01/8, 3rokkaku. Traded seishun19, beijing/4thcast10 for cross05, silver08, xiaobo20.
8/29: Traded king07 for hyde16. Traded stage08/17, sinking14 for brazil19, older04, piano20. Traded return09, show05 for boat02/16. OR: older/brazil15, onmyway10, suits12. F: ecstasy16, longway02, 3higa. Scoresheetx2: album38, single122, progressive03, illusion19, beijing10, bento05, 3seiru/4hyotei. LC: event21, 4thcast10, band19, dash/nfu02, zhouzhu03, presence20, 02x2. F: three11, irregular05, 3fudo.
8/15: F: kyouju17, leangle02, dreambeliever20, trickster13, item3yamabuki/4fudo. GtS: return09, sinking14, ah-un17, lucky08, item02. GC: item02.
8/13: Traded fence05, quick13/16 for golden10/15/18. Traded shioin14 for 2ndyears03. Traded katsu02, rhythm10 for brazil03, boat05. Traded wonderfuldays03 for evolution02.
7/25: OR: brazil01/05/07/09/16/17/18/20, ohtake04. LCV: green10, medley05. Traded for boat10, okurimono15, Ryuzaki.
6/20: PaS: pool17, duounion01. Traded amiable08 for 2ndyears07. Traded valentinekiss17/19, rio06/14, myglove01/16 for golden06/09/13, suits05, stalk03, 2ndyears02. Traded train10, fujouri05, katsu05, silver07 for respect06, rush09, emerald11, silver04. [Scoresheet Complete+1]
6/9: Traded imperial11 for okurimono13. MV: test11, underestimate10, item4yamabuki. SD: train10, taka-san06, titles07, item02/3fudo. Traded help04, cooperation14 for xiaobo08, 2ndyears19.
6/8: Traded steps03 for okurimono20.
6/7: Traded request12, everyone10 for hyde11, okurimono05. Traded return09 for okurimono06. GtS: partner07, fence05, advance09, anneko20, item02. Update: taakun17, stalk11; more14, famous03, indoor02, emperor19.
6/6: OR: okurimono01/03/04/07/11/12/14/16/17/18/19, older12, yougotgame10. Traded artstudio14, celebrate17 for semero08, cross17. Traded rai15, tannhauser02 for cross/secret15. MC: sushi02, amiable08, item4seiru.
6/2: Traded invincible12 for scarf14. Freebies: rio04, rigged19, item3higa. MV: odorimasenka18, sushi04, item4shiten. Traded music18, reliable10 for talent02, medley11. GtS: conference19, tannhauser02, crafty06/11, item02. DC: gomenchai02, autumnbreeze/cheeringsquad19. CP: recording10, strings12, item4hyotei. TAQC: takoyaki14, dearprince04, alone08, item3fudo/4seigaku. LLE: megane12, speech09 for partner12, sandwich10, steps03, restaurant09, show05, shitenb07.
You can find old logs/scoresheets
here. If you are interested in being trading buddies, or if you want me to keep a look out for something for you, just let me know! ^-^
It would be great if you wanted to join! Please say that I recommended you if this somehow convinces you to~