Ho, travellers

Apr 01, 2007 22:09

Seems that this is the first link I have for reaching lj in the history (livejournal.com/update.bml) so I may as well post.

Life has....been hectic. Especially this past week.

I realized that I had two projects due this past week: 1. being the resume 2. being my sculpture's project. And I thought to myself "ho, shit". Concurrently, I came up with the brilliant idea that "hey, why not pull an all-nighter earlier (on Tuesday night to Wednesday morning) so that I don't have to worry about my projects when I have work on Thursday morning?"

Yeah. Great idea that was.

I *did* stay up. And I *did* do work.

But only about 5 out of the 10 or so hours I stayed up.

The rest was spent staring at the tv and eating food (bad habit, I know). Luckily, on Wednesday, I discovered that my sculpture project wasn't due Thursday, but rather the following Tuesday (whew). So in turn I actually only had one thing to do--my resume. So we continue down that path. For those of you who weren't in the know, I had pretty ambitious ideas for it (roughly a 25.5in x 22in fold out: 3A4 x 2A4 layout). I had the general idea for it; however, actual elements were missing (like the texts.....and the graphics.......and any solid design ideas) so I had to sit down and ....well do work.

Anyways, long story short, had a turnabout with my design. So about the 6 hours of work invested into it was gone. All was revamped a roughly a total of 8hours was spent invested in the new format. And boy was the 8 hours close. I was literally working it till the last minute (laser printers that have no paper to print on take a long time). Anyways, I show the design, people are on the fence about this one. I'll leave it up to you guys to decide.

But on the whole, most people were happy with the radical change (my original looked like a normal plain-Jane copy made in word).




Turns out I let Hobie draft me into the date auction to raise money for Relay for Life. So I had to haul ass over to Squires at 8:30. Well the time was 6:30. That meant nap. I set my alarm for 7:45 so I'd have enough time to get ready and walk there. Guess what. Time hole. I woke up to my cellphone blazing and (for some odd reason) thinking I got a text from Brian saying that he placed 1st for most amount of money won for guys. I was ready to congradulate him when I realized that: 1. That was my cell phone going off, and not the alarm for text messages. 2. That it was 8pm 3. Holy fuck, it's 8.

So I haul ass and took a shower and such, and drag Hobie into giving me a ride to Squires. I walk in and the place was PACKED (we had to drag chairs in from the outside). The turn out was definatly higher than anybody expected (I guess our campus has yellow fever, right?). Actually, to answer my own sarcastic, hypothetical question, no. A majority of the people there were from other sister, brother, cousin, what-the-fuck-have-you organizations that came out to support it. But yeah, it was certainly a riot. To highlight the event highest single girl bid was 250, guys 75?; double girls 150, guys 99. Although to be fair, a majority of the bids were staged between friends and such. I myself, went for 45, unplanned, won by a friend. I have a feeling they were just pity bids though, buut, as Brian said, the real winners were the cancer patients--which I retorted to, but I'll leave it off the books, cause what I said probably makes me a bad person. Probably.

The night was concluded with a run to Happy Wok and delicious Chinese food.

Fast foreword to Friday.

Friday when I have a 10:10 class and work pretty much right after till 3.

The class and the work that I forgot.


And so I quickly do the assignment for said class, discover that I had no ink left in my printer, and had to rush to Chi's to get to print off and then rush to class.

A class that I was already 40 minutes late to.
A class that was only 60 minutes long.
A class that left out about 5-10 minutes early.


And lastly, a class that I still had the balls to sign the attendence sheet in front of the teacher and turn in the assignment. Go me.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. And fast foreword again to the next day. The *big* day. The semi-formal FASA and Sigma hosted dance. The Snowball (har har, I had made a dirty joke about that at work). I got a nice haircut from Shan Shan at around 4 and then rushed to Hanna's to get ready with a bunch of other people. I got a nice compliment along the way by Danny who said I looked like a Japanese boy (it didn't help that I was just wearing a light hooded shirt and some gym shorts). I don't know how to take it though. Anyways, got ready, Nam (the winner of my bid and date for the semi-formal) showed up early. At one point I was contemplating just showing up in what I wore and seeing how he would react. Then I realized I had the dress and makeup on already and it'd be a pain in the ass.

The dance itself was a bit slow. It was a smaller turnout then I expected with mostly just the Sigma's, FASA, and CAS groups. The food was mediocre with no meat being served (at least they had good store bought apple pie....). But it did get fun towards the end, when they were playing music. And I ended up discovering a fun and awkward (what's a game with no awkwardness?) ice-breaker. Which was basically a human version of musical chairs. 15 Guys and 16 girls, with the guys as chairs.

Uh, losing steam, so I'll try to wrap this up quickly.

Afterwards we went and got changed and grabbed our stuff from Hanna's and then went over to Hobie's to play on his Wiiiii~ (yes, he finally got his damned Wii and even modded it). We were still hungry from the lack of a decent dinner so we ordered Domino's. I got wings but everybody ate it......damn people eating all my wings.

I fell asleep there and they decided that they should probably call that a night.

Saturday, I worked and had dinner with Chi and a few other people and started playing Katamari which made me rediscover how much I like the style of that game. And I also rediscovered why the hell I stopped playing video games. My eyes felt like they were going to fall out. I don't know if anyone else has this issue, but I have a tendency to stare at the screen thus drying out my eyes (this is the reason why I don't play smash. well that and my woefully inadequate motor control skills and memory that rivals an extacy addled brain).

So that brings it up to Sunday. Again nothing. *insert sad face*. And me procrastinating on my projects. Yet again. And a dirty room. Again. And a load of laundry that needs to be done. Again.

With that I'll just leave you guys with images.

Ignore the fugly, but my hair from before.

My new haircut "styled".

Little Japanese Boy? or Angry Taiwanese Girl. Your Call.

What I wished I looked like.

I wished I had time to draw.
It's also fun to discover people who are interested in the same type of music
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