But I say that Misfortune just keeps beating you in the head until you're lying bloody & unconscious in your own filth & blood.
Now let it not be said that I am not optimistic (please take that statement with a grain of salt). I usually pull through everything with a little bit if scratches and some brusies, but this is too much.
Situation 01: I come home to find that my mom is in the hospital (see previous post for details)
Situation 02: I get a call about a week after I get home from my mom. It turns out that she *did* seek legal council. However, it seems that we hit a snafu (this is mildly putting it). The lawyer couldn't help us because they got in "touch" (which I highly doubt, seeing as how they've never contacted me. Maybe this is just sour grapes) with the officer (Officer JA Sledge of the Sully Department, for those of you curious). The kicker to this is that the officer states that it was either:
a. partially both driver's fault
b. that it was possible that it was my mom's fault?
Either way, my mom states that she was on South 28 (from Dulles) in the far right hand lane. About a few minutes after the turn into E.C. Lawrence Park's parking lot, she gets side-swiped. She attests that there was no reason to switch lanes considering that she was five minutes away from Braddock Road.
And the grand finish is this:
a. the officer never ever attempted to get my mom's statement.
b. we never go in touch with witnesses (and I wonder if the officer did either)
To point a.. Yes, I understand that she was rushed to the ambulance. And yes, I understand that she can't speak English. But, after a week (and after a few attempts to contact him) and still no call back to the household is a bit unforgivable. I'm not quite sure about how processes like this is done. But I'm relatively sure that you have to take statements from both parties. NOT JUST ONE.
Both my mom & I both think that we're getting shafted because we're Asians.
Anyways, I still have to get this sorted out (& possibly look for a new lawyer). What makes me feel awful is the fact that I can't be home to actually do this. Instead, I'm stuck at school...
(Smooth transition, I know)
Situation 03: I've been slammed with projects since Monday. Although to be honest, it's mostly my fault. I had about a week (given that I was at home and...well, still). I could have done things sooner, but I chose not to.
But I did learn that I could function on only 4 hours of sleep. I've pulled so many all-nighters that it makes me wonder if I can go back to a normal sleeping scheduale (hah! who am I kidding? I know I can). Also, I'm wondering if I'm a step closer to looking like a raccoon.
Situation 04: Which is connected with Situation 03. So today I got fired from work.
Let me explain. The past 48-60 hours has been a mad rush to finish and turn in my Graphic Design project (the magazine project) which is worth 35% of my grade. Due to this, I've come in late two days in a row.
Day 01: With work at 3? 3:30? (I guess it doesn't matter much anymore) I rushed to the print shop at 3 hoping to quickly assemble and turn it in with only being late maybe 30 minutes tops. I call in to let them know that I'll probably be half an hour late.
I arrive to the print shop and run into a huge complication. It turns out my pdf is entirely in an incorrect format. It simply cannot be printed. I take a gamble and try to redo my project right there, but there's too much stuff that was wrong with the formating to be able to fix it quick enough.
What's worst is the fact that this whole thing was in vain. Not only was I horribly late to work, I was unable to turn in my project on time (and thus docked a whole letter grade), and finally, I didn't get any sleep.
Day 02: So today I was trying to do the same thing. I had ended up making an appointment with the printing services at 12 totally forgetting about the fact that I have work. I arrive there at 10 in hopes of being able to print early and thus not being late to work.
Well, it seems that my hopes can go eat shit, because she was already in the middle of a print job. I had to wait till 12 before I could get it done.
I finally turn in my final print and rushed to work at 12? 1? Only to be greeted by a stern face.
Well fuck me.
They made me sign a "termination" sheet.
I don't know if it was just my normal que sera que sera attitude or the exhaustion seeping through, but I just didn't care. I signed and turned in my uniform and left.
In retrospect, what really annoys me is the fact that they didn't even bother asking why I was late. Given that throughout the year, I have been occasionally late (only by a few minutes or so), but for the most part, I've been a pretty good employee. So these past two days have been rather...different than my normal behavior. So to be honest, me being late that badly, they didn't even bother asking what was wrong. For all they know I could have been vomiting blood & unable to call in to tell them.
But whatever, at least I won't have to worry about not being able to work with people I know now.
Situation 05: This is more of a domestic nature. I'm hungry, but I have no money (literally this time) and my room is a mess.
Future Situation 06: I'm not going to have money. I know this. And I can foresee this. In addition to my mom not being able to work, I am also unable to work. I despritely need a job in order to at least pay for the apartment and Vinci back.
This whole situation just sucks and I'm waiting for winter break to come about. It's funny, my mom kept nagging me about taking off in order to concentrate on school work. Well, there you go. Thanks mom (but it's not really her fault).
I'm hoping that I can look back to this moment and laugh. Learning a little from the scars. But what I'm really afraid of is this breaking me.
There was more I wanted to write on, but now I'm getting too distracted and I want to indulge in mindless entertainment.
Maybe more later, or maybe I'll go crawl into a hole & die.
Whichever one works.