So I tried to get the internet problem resolved by scheduling a technician from Verizon to come over and inspect the line. In fact, waited all Saturday, but as it turns out someone had dropped by on Friday afternoon (when my mom and I were out, no less) and "fixed" the line. And by "fixed" they probably just tested the NID for the company's service line to the box and said it was "okay" instead of testing out the NID to inside wirings like they should have. I was so freaking pissed off when I realized that they ninjaed their way like that. As a result, I'll have to reschedule, waste another weekend and probably have them explain to me it'll cost like $500 just to replace/fix the damn thing.
At that point I'll just give up on the whole internet thing.
Sunday was a bit more eventful, seeing how I was about to go stir crazy with cabin fever,
brian48216 graciously (I whined) accepted to go to lunch with me at the mall. After about two hours and it hitting 3pm, we finally sat down to eat. God we suck at this whole deciding on things sthick.
Anyways, we talked (well, mostly me babbling) and it made me realize--holy shit, we're getting old! We're already somewhat kinda getting there adults! And that scares the bejeesus out of me.
Oh and there was the topic of being charismatic and being able to naturally engaging with other people. I called out
brian48216 on that topic, saying that he sounded fake when having to deal with business people he didn't know. On the plus side, he acknowledged that which then lead into me listing off a names of people who I thought "had it going on" (in no particular order, people I consider under this category:
hkleo_da [actually, you're one of the first names, if not first, that I thought of],
ellybelly has to attend to take photos of and also with the general wedding madness that seems to be happening (a few weddings are taking place this season).
I've come to the conclusion that I can never see myself getting married. Or, hell, being in a long term relationship. It's weird, but I think I've come to grips with myself about it. (Although isn't it usually the guy who's afraid of marriage?) The best analogy I have for my situation was that I have the peculiarities of a cat (hah hah,
[info]fingersmaloy, if you're reading this, I know you're laughing): I like back rubs and food as much as the next cat, but to be honest for the most part I like my personal space. That isn't to say I'm, words fail me at this moment.
It really started with the cube.
I imagine the pyramid as having three separate faces, but then I decided it looked more like a dog head.
For some odd reason the octagon was, straight off the bat, envisioned as an old man.
I don't really know what's going on there
For once
Digg delivered.
400 PatternsJapan has found another niche market to delve into If this doesn't make you b'aaaw, you're a heartless bastard.
/it's a link to a link
//the fourth comment did make me laugh
///yea, I am a terrible person
Yeah, I'm okay, just something got into my eyes One last note:
So this may be the first year in...many, that I decide to not to go Otakon. A majority of reasons (no, not really, it's mostly money issues) has forced me to forgo this time honored ...uh...pilgrimage to Baltimore.
Although to be honest, I'm still sitting on the fence, debating whether or not to go.
Buut, if you guys know of any companies that need mascoting/cosplaying/manning booths work (that doesn't require me to make my own outfit--I'm looking at you anime pavallion) drop me a line. God knows I wouldn't mind doing that just to get a free pass.