So happy belated birthday to Brian!
As a result we conned him to go out and celebrate down in Georgetown.
Basically at around six I get a call from David asking if I'd like to go out with a few people to surprise Hobie on his birthday. I agree and around 7 (I was busy for an hour trying to set up the freaking dvd burner) I finally left the house and started towards Oakton. Turns out, I left right at the beginning of a pretty brutal storm.
I drive about 5 minutes out and I'm just nailed with this torrent. The visibility is so low, that I end up giving up and pulling into the post office parking lot and just waiting it out.
Although after twenty minutes, I get bored and ended up calling David and asking how his weather condition was over there. Turns out it was nice. They've had a smattering of rain, but nothing incapacitating while I'm over in Centreville getting nailed by freaking hail.
I ended up saying fuckit, and decide to chance it on 28. Turns out as soon as I clear the off ramp going onto 28, everything is clear. I ended up waiting for twenty minutes for no reason.
I finally get to David's and since we weren't suppose to leave till 9:30, I just dicked around on his PS3. The Pixel Monster's game is actually pretty addicting. Anyways, since I still had a tie in my car, I decided to wear it--alas, I forgot how to tie a tie so I ended up asking David if he could help me out. Turns out he forgot too. It was just failure all around. We resorted to having to youtube a "how to tie a tie" video on his PS3. After watching it like five times, I finally gave up and just ended up figuring out a double windsor (which turned out to be perfect, given the length of my torso).
After that, David & I ended up running over to the Wachovia: David to withdraw money, and for me to deposit money.
After that we headed over to JJ's to pregame.
While we waited for a the guest of honor to arrive, we all idly chit chatted. Um...for the sake of ...well to be honest, I'm just lazy so here's a brief notarization of the events.
Yida and Brian finally show up (separately)
We (mostly JJ) make Brian drink his birthday shots
Brian tries to bullshit is way out of drinking
We (again, mostly JJ) calls bullshit and we make him drink anyway
I end up discovering that I lost my wallet and start mildly panicking
I Got Yida (he was DD) to drive me back to Wachovia to find my wallet
Got a call from David--turns out the wallet was dropped in front of JJ's house, so all is well
We all pile into David's "new" car and head off to Vienna
A side note, twice on the metro I got extremely dizzy to the point my vision went really staticky and my hearing went really muted. Which was pretty awful. I guess this teaches me to drink....three shots.
After getting off the Metro, Hobie ended up seeing some high school chums of his, etc. etc. and eventually we were off towards downtown Georgetown in two cabs.
So when we enter is when things get a bit hectic.
Again, I'm just going to paraphrase this portion of the evening too, as nothing too interesting happened.
So one, despite what someone said that Saturday was "Asian Night" there were like a handful of asians, and even less girls.
Two, there seemed to be a lot of people celebrating their birthdays.
Three, the bathroom was surprisingly clean and not skeezy.
Four, there were a lot of guys. A LOT. And I don't mean "ooo man, there are some cute guys here"-No, it was more like "holy shit it's a bloody sausage-fest in here." I saw a couple of guys who had to be in their late 30's early 40's. Oh, and here's the kicker, I saw a guy who had on a orange-red polo that was inside out with the coller popped. I think he was my hero for the night.
Five, Hobie is a dick. I ended up convincing a girl to dance with him ("Hey, I know this is weird, but just hear me's my friend's birthday over there and he really wants to dance with you..."). But he ends up dragging me away from the whole thing after she's agreed. But she was really nice about it--she even came around to our table and wished him a happy birthday.
Six, there were these two pretty hot blonds that David almost got a dance with--almost. But David is picky...for some odd reason.
Anyways, the most exciting portion of the night was when we lost Mike.
At around 1 am or so, we come to realize that Mike is no longer with us. We could not find him at our table nor the floor. 1:30 rolls around and we decide to head outside to find him and catch the metro back.
Turns out he's nowhere to be found outside, either.
Multiple calls are made, but again no answer. Yida takes off running down M street to see if Mike staggered down somewhere. He comes back, but still no luck. I suggest that maybe Mike went over to Johnny Rocket's considering that was the only landmark that would probably stand out in his head (when JJ was giving directions on how to get to Modern, he stated that it was two blocks away from Rocket's). So we ended up moseing over there, but still no sign of Mike.
In fact, we managed to go up and down M street for a mile in either direction, and still no signs of him. At this point it's hit 2am and we couldn't catch the metro anymore.
A little bit later, JJ finally gets a call through to Mike and he mentions something about a "United Methodist Church". At this point we're scrambling everywhere trying to find this said church; although the only two churches even remotely close aren't Methodist. We try for them anyways, and still no sign of them. We even went so far as the outskirts of Georgetown. At this point we come across an alley in which JJ swears is from the Exorcist. He ends up having to climb the stairs twice (much to his dismay) and even then finds nothing.
After a while, we give up and called the cops who after 30 minutes still haven't shown up. Right around this time, a private cabbie pulls up and offers us a ride--we take it. We ended up stopping by the metro station to see if Mike ended up there, but to no avail. So we had the cabbie take us back to Vienna.
Right around 5 is when we reach our car, and by 5:30 we get back to JJ's house only to discover--you guessed it--Mike's car is gone.
We bid our sleepy adieu and by 6am I finally make it back home.
Needless to say, it was a long night.
And to Brian: I hope it was a night you'll remember-from not being able to lie your way out of a situation, to becoming violently ill, to losing a friend (literally): Here's to your 23!