Title: Hey Stranger
Summary: Yoochun muses; Junsu misses.
Pairing: Yoosu
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst/Romance
Warning: none
Disclaimer: Don't own them~
(did you smile today? did you laugh today? what are you doing now? where are you?)
yoochun imagines the hot noon sun in seoul bearing down junsu's back, sweat running in rivulets and maybe he is laughing despite the dirt that cakes his sneakers and sun-kissed ankles and the fatigue that soaks deep in his bones. maybe he scores in a smooth, graceful movement and his teammates erupt into cheers, run to him, pat him on the back affectionately and rain praises and cute nicknames.
(too many questions to ask, too many things i want to know that i can’t because of the thousands of miles between too many barriers)
none of them will notice the boy that used to sit in the shade of the trees far away was gone. they had no reason to, not when he only lurked in shadows and was a shadow himself, never speaking, only watching quietly, another spectator among the many that dotted the sides of the soccer fields. except the watchful boy was gone, replaced by an emptiness that whistled in the wind and was dappled by leaf shadows instead of a solid darkness however slim and fragile it was.
(nonono. please don't cry. please. smile. keep smiling; you have a beautiful smile that lights up the world even brighter than the sun. don't keep the sun away from me, please.)
maybe junsu begins to tear, clear liquid tracing paths down the film of dust that covered his face because he cut his leg, and the more his small hands press into his bleeding wound the more it hurts when the germs on his hands dart into his blood stream. but he doesnt know that; the other boy who hid in the shadows took care of him when he was hurt, always with a clean handkerchief that wiped away his blood and tears with more care, warm and comforting like his mother. the other boy is gone now, and he cries harder when he looks towards where the other boy should have been only to see only trees and shadows and wind and nothing more.
his smile disappears.
yoochun's heart aches.
(but go ahead, cry if you really need. my shoulder is here, my ears are here. tell me what hurt you, tell me why you're sad. i want to help, because watching you cry is like a dagger to my own heart.)
he isn't here...
he isn’t here why isn’t he here?//i’m not there... why am i not there?
there are words that yoochun wants to say to the hurting boy but could not say. every word dangles on the tip of his tongue and he swallows them painfully back and tries to look away, tries to not think and tries most importantly to not feel.
it doesn't work.
he misses junsu so badly that it burns him to his very core and he's left gasping for anything to fill him, air, life; he might as well be wasting away into nothingness.
(i wish you knew how much i need you. not quite the way you need me far from it)
it's too cold. yoochun shivers and doesn’t stop; the chill settles in deep into his bones and permeates his soul, chilling any leftover warmth he kept before. now he's in a foreign place with cold blue skies and cold blue stony-faced people who mumble things he can’t understand and doesn’t give him a second glance in the vast stretch of loneliness.
where's the sun?
it's in junsu's smile, a smile that he can't see.
(i hope we can meet again.)
"junsu-yah... i'm back. did you miss me?" i missed you so much.
(these are all the words that i want to say but i'm too afraid to say, when we're just mere numbers to the seven billion people in this big big world. and i know maybe you don't need me like i need you. where do i go?)
when he falls into junsu's warm embrace, when their arms naturally fit around each other's body in perfect crevices like they were built to be there, yoochun knows that they belong. together.
“i missed you, too.”
“i love you.”
(and they dream for the future)
(Author's Notes: Ending is purposefully left ambiguous~ What is just Yoochun’s imagination and what is real? Maybe Yoochun returns and they end up together, or maybe it was simply Yoochun’s wishful thinking, it’s up to you. :) tbh i like to think yoosu are together.
this also came out of nowhere and is unedited so forgive me for any weird errors or oddity in general. leave a comment please?)