Title: In Silence
Summary: Years after DBSK becomes nothing but a legend, Kim Junsu disappears off the face of the earth and leaves a simple letter behind.
Pairing: broken!Yoosu
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst/Romance
Warning: none
Disclaimer: me no own yoosu desu.
(As the last piano chords of Fox Rain melted away into a tide of fans’ cheers, Junsu’s pen gradually stilled on the much-abused paper he had been writing on and was set down.) )
Comments 11
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yeah.. it's more or less inevitable that they'll both find girlfriends and marry, especially now that they're in their late twenties already..... i selfishly hope that when it happens i won't be so obsessed with yoosu anymore so i wouldn't be so heartbroken OTL
with luck the happy/silly yoosu one-shot will be out on the anniversary :3
yoochun basically didnt maintain regular contact with his brothers and that just... idk... kills me coz he spent a good part of his life with them. :| i'm glad he feels bad/guilty, to a degree. i know he cant reciprocate the feelings but dang, did he have to be an awful friend. gawd. i thought that was such a d!ck move. that first scene with jaejoong was pretty sad. pretty sad indeed.
<333333333333333333333333333333 i eagerly await your fluff~ for now, i will imagine junsu having a hubby as i described up there. hahahahaha~
i do hope you're feeling ok now <3 much love~
i have an entire theory on why yoochun gradually forgot to contact them. it was kind of an output of a worst case scenario where yoochun decides to completely disappear from the entertainment industry considering he's thought about it before. but yeah it's honestly a dick move and being a crap friend :(
please do imagine that hubby <3 otherwise it's too unfair to poor su~
thanks so much bb <3
if I were Junsu and I heard what Chun said..
I wouldn't come back, ever, unless I have moved on.
maybe they could just dream simultaneously every now&then.
Very nice...as nice as a broken YooSu me can be.
thanks for reading and commenting <3
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