Hmmm, I just realized this is a very me-oriented journal. Like I pretty much just talk about my life and stuff happening. ... That's rather awkward. Whoops?
I missed you, online social life. I will be all over you for this summer. Two weeks-ish (I'm rounding up on this) of suddenly decreased online usage, which minimize my internet usage to just popping in every now and then, killed me. Thank goodness the school year is over, huzzah! ;w; No more 9 hour school day and too little sleep and being stuck in a building full of annoyingly too-loud talkative teenagers (My inner introvert shrivels up and curls into a fetal position whenever I'm in the school cafeteria). Thank god. I'm so ready for more sleep and more free time and just more of everything good. It's been about 2 days now since school's ended actually (I'm rounding-- it's 1:48AM right now so it's technically May 30th and I ended school on the 28th.)
Math continues to be a struggle for me and I, more or less inevitably, ended up failing the entire Pre-Calculus course due to my final exam scores dropping down my semester averages in both classes I took this semester. (Fyi, details about this will be at the bottom) So now, I'm going to summer school for Pre-Cal B (the second semester of my Pre-Calculus course) but there's the matter of Pre-Cal A (the first semester of my Pre-Calculus course) that I also failed. My school isn't sure if they're even going to have a summer school course for it right now and I'm just so utterly frustrated because summer school starts literally this upcoming Wednesday and I'm just ?????????? Did you not consider the possibility that some Pre-Cal A kids that took the course again this semester might fail?????? ... The excessive amount of questions was necessary to express the sheer amount of irritation/annoyance/confusion regarding this, sorry.
Okay so now, if I can't take Pre-Cal A during summer school, I have to take the course at community college to get my credit. So if I do, I'm planning to do online courses since it's just far too troublesome to go to two different locations within a day-- although I still don't know if I have to turn in my credit/scores at a certain date. Like do I need to be done when summer school ends or can I turn them in whenever before the next school year starts? If I'm required to turn them in when summer school ends, I have to sign up as soon a possible since there's only one course and there's only 7 remaining seats available. But if not, I'm hoping to take the course later during the summer so I wouldn't have to deal with two Pre-Cal classes at once.
Then there's the matter of carpooling-- I intend to find someone to carpool with for summer school since my school's pretty far away from home (it ranges from a 20-40min drive) but I don't know how I'm going to figure that out if I do have to attend summer school for Pre-Cal A as well because I only know of one person in my neighborhood that is attending summer school but he's going going for Pre-Cal B, which is in the afternoon, while Pre-Cal A will most likely be in the morning if there is a class.
But I have to wait for Monday to come around so I can go visit my school counselor to see what the answer of "Will there be a Pre-Cal A summer school course?" will be since she didn't have the answer today but there's so many complications that stem from both answers that I'm just so stressed out.
Okay, so going back to the Pre-Cal thing.
I feel like I might've mentioned this in a post before but this semester I took both Pre-Cal A and B since during first semester I failed Pre-Cal A and they gave the option to retake the first semester course at the same time as the Pre-Cal B course. I actually did fairly okay in both classes and I did a lot better in Pre-Cal A this semester alongside Pre-Cal B compared to last semester so I was passing in both overall averages.
But the final exams killed my passing semester averages.
There was recently a really bad storm in my area that ended up shutting down a school day and my school was forced to put in 3 final exams in one day, which 15 minutes taken from each final to fit in 3 finals in one day, instead of the usual 2 final exams and I just killed myself over them. My stress levels shot through the roof and, in my last 2 days of school that I took my last 6 finals, I got close to no sleep on both days. The lack of sleep was what screwed up everything alongside the short amount of study time I got for these finals in preparation.
My grades were horrible. I barely passed Physics with a 71 semester average because I did a disastrous job on my final, failed both Pre-Cal courses since I did a similar job on both finals which dropped my semester averages in both grades to just below passing, and got a lot lower scores in my other three finals than I believe I would've gotten if I got enough study time and sleep.
But what hurt the most was that I was so damn close to passing both courses and I honestly cried really hard when I found out I failed both courses. If only I did better on my finals. If only I studied harder. If only I got enough sleep the night before. I was just so damn close to passing but everything just went downhill this week and... yeah. I'm more or less okay now with it and trying to deal with it by focusing on my current problems and also trying to think of other things so I'll be okay. I'll be fine. I just need some time.
... Soooo that's my past two weeks so far. I'm still feeling a bit wibble-wobbly right now and I'll still be more or less away from the internet/any social-networking for now but I'll be back to commenting and keeping up with new posts/fanfics/etc soon once I get back on my feet.