Well my old profile had lots of squabbles from my 'old' life and I think considering all the steps I'm taking towards my New life in the next year that I might make something shiny new and full of fluff. :P
My Journal skin should change soon once I get the hang of the editor and make something pretty shiny for the banner and color scheme and what the fuck not.
I will likely be posting Fanfics and drabbles up here. Possible experps from me and my ladies rp's. Who knows.
Big thing is It's new years eve tomorrow Here is a short term and long term projection for the next year of my goals.
Short term goals:
Get down to Arizona or Cali to see Danielle. ($240 )
Get Danielle's cute little butt up here to see me. ($240)
Get a job
Get my own apartment.
Upgrades to my computer including: New monitor, Replacing dead ram stick, new tablet. (about $300 total for all of that)
Long term goals:
In the event that Danielle and I are going forward in the relation ship likely some kind of move will be made.
Making a portfolio. Making things for my portfolio that are worth showing off and don't consist of nothing but man love.
Write more, possibly take a writing class.