Title: Random Notes
catbrainsFandom: My Chemical Romance / The Used
Pairing: Gerard Way/Bert McCracken
Rating: PG
POV: Third
Summary: Gerard sometimes wishes he could play the piano.
Disclaimer: I don't own nor am associated to the members of My Chemical Romance or The Used.
Author’s Notes: Written for
12 Days Of... drabble challenge: Piano.
The place filled with the sound of random notes being played from Bert’s grand piano; the piano in which Gerard had been eyeing for two days now. From the amount of times he's watched Bert play the instrument, Gerard would imagine he'd have a better clue as to what he was doing. Instead, he cursed under his breath and played wrong notes.
"You make it look easy," Gerard grunted out of frustration once he felt Bert peering over his shoulder.
Bert shrugged, "You make it look sexy." Gerard smiled and tried once more; Bert flinched, "Just make 'em wear earplugs."