Title: Shoreline
catbrainsFandom: My Chemical Romance / The Used
Pairing: Gerard Way/Bert McCracken
Rating: PG
POV: Third
Summary: Bert takes a picture.
Disclaimer: I don't own nor am associated to the members of My Chemical Romance or The Used.
Author’s Notes: Written for
bert_and_gerard’s 12 Days Of... drabble challenge: Pictures.
The ocean water is cool on his feet compared to the sun against Gerard’s skin. He tunes out laughter and voices from behind to listen to the waves and cawing birds. Gerard closes his eyes then breathes in deeply.
"Way to look like an ass, standing like that." Gerard recognizes the voice, but remains unresponsive.
"Hey, I love you." This time Gerard hears Bert’s voice above all else and smiles. He hears a click and opens his eyes to Bert with a camera in his hands. Without having Gerard ask Bert replies with, "just wanted your picture to be genuine."