Title: Lucky Charms
catbrainsFandom: My Chemical Romance / The Used
Pairing: Gerard Way/Bert McCracken
Rating: PG-13
POV: Third
Summary: Bert loves Lucky Charms.
Disclaimer: I don't own nor am associated to the members of My Chemical Romance or The Used.
Author’s Notes: Written for
bert_and_gerard’s 12 Days Of... drabble challenge: Marshmallows.
Bert made a mess while making Lucky Charms cereal that morning, but Gerard took the liberty to clean up the spilt milk from the countertops while Bert continued to gorge down his breakfast. Gerard let out an aggravated sigh and thought, ‘fucking kid, I swear.’
It was later in the day, while they both were on Gerard’s bed, Bert asked why Gerard never ate the Lucky Charms; he continued with, "I mean, who can resist those marshmallows? They’re fucking magically delicious or some shit."
Gerard laughed and embraced Bert before pulling him into a kiss thinking, ‘I love this man.’