(no subject)

Jun 19, 2005 22:22

Basic Info
1. Your Name: Christina
2. Your Nickname: C, Chris, Nina, Crizzle
3. Your Birthday: December 13th
4. Your Age Now: 16
5. Your Location: Near Glasgow, Scotland
6. School Grade: 6th Year
7. Sex: Female
8. Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

About Me
1. Hair Color: Icky brown.
2. Eye color: Blue and Green
3. Skin color: Very pale.
4. Height: 5’4” I think
5. Shoe size: 4 or 5, it depends what kind of shoes they are.
6. Do you care about the way you look?: Always
7. Do you get tanned?: Nope, I burn
8. Do you have big ears?: Nope
9. Do you have contacts or glasses?: Glasses, but I think I’ve lost them…

Have I Ever...
1. Eaten an entire box of Oreo's?: Yes, but not all at the same time.
2. Gotten in a car accident?: Yep
3. Watched "Punky Brewster"?: No
4. Hiked a mountain?: Yes
5. Death Valley on horseback?: Erm I think I’ve been but not on horseback…
6. Stayed home on a Saturday night just because?: Only every week. Well, nearly every week.

In the Past Week Have I...
1. Cried?: Yes
3. Cut your hair?: Yes
4. Worn a skirt?: Yes
5. Worn a tie?: Yes
6. Been mean?: Yes
7. Been sarcastic?: Yes
8. Gone for a walk?: No
9. Gone out for dinner?: Lunch
10. Met someone new?: Yes
11. Taken a test?: No
12. Talked to an ex: Yes
13. Missed an ex?: Yes
14. Hugged someone?: Yes
15. Kissed someone?: No
16. Danced with someone?: Yes
17. Had a nightmare?: No idea
18. Fought with your parents?: Probably

01. What color are your walls?: White
02. What color is your bedspread/sheets: Red
03. What color is your rug?: Don’t have one
04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room?: Not at the moment, taken everything down for mooooving.
05. Do you have a TV? Is it big?: Yes and no.
06. Do you have a phone?: No
07. Do you have your own computer?: Yes
08. Do you have a desk?: Yes
09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room?: Photos, definitely.
10. What are your most favorite things in your room?: Bed and computer
11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room?: Not very fancy, sort of.

01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?: Wake up, not get up? I lie in bed for a while listening to Moyles
02. Anything unusual?: Nope
03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school?: Nah
04. Do you try your best to look cute for school?: I do indeed. So sue me.

// SCHOOL //
01. What color is your backpack?: Black, and it’s not a backpack
02. Do you try your best when it comes to school work?: No
03. Do you listen or doodle?: Daydream
04. BE QUIET - we all know you doodle, but what do you doodle?: . . . . .
05. Do you eat your cafeteria food, or go out?: Cafeteria now that I’ve discovered the chicken pita wraps. OHMIGOD THEY’RE SO GOOD.
06. What do you do right when schools over?: Get a lift home, watch TV.

// HOME //
When you come home are you. . .
01. Miserable?: Nah
02. Happy?: Yep
03. Tired? Very
04. LEAVE ME ALONE?: Sometimes

// OTHER //
01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes?: In Irvine? HA.
02. What are some hobbies of yours?: Internet, movies, music. That’ll do thx.
03. Do you collect anything?: Nah…autographs? I keep my gig tickets. BUT I’VE LOST SOME OMG WHERE DID THEY GO?????????
04. What do you do in your spare time?: This.
05. Are you in love, or at least falling?: I’m not, either.

01. What do you do before you go to bed?: Brush my teeth.
02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight, or just say "goodnight"?: I say ‘Night, love you, see you in the morning’ and have done every night for as long as I remember. I can’t not say it.
03. What way do you sleep (ex: on your side, tummy, etc.)?: Side
04. Do you like your life?: Could be a little bit better, could be a hell of a lot worse.

Last cigarette: Last night
Last car ride: Today
Last kiss: Gary. Not sure when it was.
Last good cry: GOOD cry? Must’ve been a good few weeks ago.
Last library book checked out: No idea.
Last movie seen: Cherry Falls I think
Last book read: Standing Room Only by Eva Rice
Last cuss word uttered: ‘Hahahahaha’ because Jemma laughed and when I make people laugh, that makes me laugh. When someone makes ME laugh and then I make THEM laugh and it makes ME laugh things get complicated and I usually end up spasming on the floor.
Last beverage drank: Peach diluting juice
Last food consumed: Jaffa Cakes
Last crush: Gary, ha.
Last phone call: Gary, ha.
Last TV show watched: Scrubs, BOOYAH. Did anyone else cry when ze janitor was being all sweet to Elliot? Only me? Righty.
Last time showered: This morning.
Last shoes worn: Wedges
Last CD played: CD? No idea.
Last item bought: No idea.
Last downloaded: The Postal Service - Such Great Heights. It seemed to have deleted itself so I had to get it again.
Last annoyance: Noticing Joana gets to wear scrubs. How unfair. (the blue trousers and t-shirt doctors wear. I kept looking at her, then to Dr Cox, then her, Dr Cox…it was horrible.)
Last disappointment: Me not getting to wear scrubs.
Last soda drank: Diet coke
Last thing written: Oof no idea.
Last key used: Probably my house key or the key for the vending machine supplies.
Last word spoken: ‘Haha’ if that counts.
Last sleep: This morning
Last IM: Jemma
Last sexual fantasy: Probably something to do with me and Mr Wilson
Last weird encounter: Mr Wilson talking to Adele and I. See, now I mentioned it once, it’ll be the theme for the rest of this god forsaken quiz.
Last ice cream eaten: Mr W…sigh, that doesn’t work, vanilla.
Last time amused: Tonight, Gary (step brother) at lunch.
Last time wanting to die: Possibly during my exams.
Last time in love: Never been.
Last time hugged: >shrug< How sad, I don’t even know.
Last time scolded: >shrug<
Last time resentful: Last night, then I got over it and now I’m looking forward to sexy Oasis fans next week.
Last chair sat in: …this one.
Last lipstick used: White stuff (it sounds very 90s ravexcore, but it just gives yer lips a bit of a shimmer, and Vaseline must be applied on top of it)
Last show attended: >shrug<
Last web page visited: www.MySpace.com

1. Color: Burgandy and Green
2. Song: Can’t pick
3. Band: Oasis pls
4. Thing to do: Sleep, go online, chilllllll with a few friends.
5. Sports team: Miami Dolphins
6. Holiday: My birthday. Or Christmas. Or SUMMER.
7. Day of the week: Saturday

1. Where were you born?: Miami
2. What is your birthdate? December 13th 1988
3. What are your parents' names?: Maggie and J

1. Who is your best friend(s)?: Don’t reeeally have any, but Adele is probably my closest.
2. Which one always makes your day?: She doesn’t, but Rachael, Lucy, Jemma and others do.
3. Do you know what you would do without your friend(s)?: I really don’t.
4. Which one have you known the longest?: Ross <3
5. Which one have you known the shortest?: Oof, I dunno.
6. Which one makes you smile?: Most of ‘em at one point or another.

1) What's your sign?: Sagittarius
2) How often do you dream?: Every night
3) Do you dream in black/white or in color or both?: Colour I think
4) What do you dream about?: Normal things. I don’t have any weird and crazy dreams, I just dream normal situations.
5) When you dream, do you see what's happening in a character's view or camera type view?: Both
6) What is your character usually in your dreams?: Me usually, but not always. Once I was Ryan Atwood (I got to kiss Marissa, booyah)
7) Do you daydream?: All the bloody time.
8) Have you ever dreamt about a guy/girl?: Yeah
9) Do you find this stuff interesting?: S’pose
10) Everyone likes a guy/girl. How many hours/minutes do you think about them each day?: No idea.
11) Do you think about anything more often than you think about God?: …possibly everything except AIDS.
12 )Do you think about magic/magical things often?: Nah
13) Do you ever write stories?: I would try if I could be arsed.
14) If so, do you ever get to the middle of it then it just seems to make no sense or have no plot so u just give up?:
15) Do you believe in magic?: I don’t know
16) Do you believe we have an undiscovered sixth sense?: Probably something really obvious. Like…I dunno. Feel. Yes, you can touch, but if your hand is numb you can still touch something, but would you feel it? No. Separate senses.
17) Do you have deja vous often?: I got it on Friday. So, yes.
18) Do you ever dream about something then it happens later that month?: Don’t MAKE me tell my lemonade story again…
19) Do you ever watch a movie you've never seen before, but recognize some of the scenes/group of lines?: Yeah
20) Do you believe that people can slightly communicate with different dimensions/worlds?: I suppose.
21) What do you think about at night?: Things I’m going to do/not do this summer.
22) Do you believe in life in the universe?: You’re an idiot if you don’t.
23) Has this survey been interesting to you?: They never are but I do ‘em anyway.
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