random thoughts?

May 13, 2018 21:03

it has been a month, wow.

hello again lj - what a semi-hiatus!
i was really upset about some stuff and i just couldn't keep myself to stay here because of whatever happened.

anyway, it's almost time for uni~ i applied for civil engineer, but i'm thinking of changing it before spring commencement.
it's quite hard to be accepted at a uni abroad, but hopefully i do get the chance to study outside this country.
so crossed fingers for that! i hope i get my offer letter before may ends, or sooner.

there's been a lot of good things showered upon us, dorama fans!
i recently started with hana nochi hare and signal~
to which i have to say, hanahare has a really simple storyline (like hanadan, i think), but the actors make me cry because idk...
i just have the FEELS right on and it's only the third episode? idk about you guys, but there is no second lead syndrome for me here.
i definitely love both haruto and tenma <3 even though we all know who she's going to end up with, there's still a slight hope inside me that tenma ends up with oto LMAO
for signal tho, i've only watched the first episode so i don't think there's a lot to say EXCEPT that i'm super proud of sakaken for this project! i haven't mentioned this before but sakaken is really one of my ultimate faves!
his acting and aura is so different here compared to his other doramas/movies. he's portraying a more serious character and that just means that he's ready to take on a variety of roles in the future (hopefully). nevertheless, i'll keep up with him and be happy with his future works!

anyway, that's just about the stuff that i've been really busy with (aside from online games ofc).
i hope, really do hope, that i'll be able to get accepted at the uni i applied! with the major i want!


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