Well well I got my hair done. Just some red streaks. Not exactly what I wanted, but I can
definately deal until summer or so. I was thinking about going a deep,
dark, rich red underneath, I might just do that now. It won't look so
bad, and if it does, I can just hide it til it fades. I love to experiment. =)
You can see the red really well in my bangs because of my blonde hair was up there.
In the bangs there again. Sorry the pictures look like total crap, I
took these right before I was getting into the shower so my hair was
And... Justin's dog is hottttt with its pink tail!
Anywho, last night was pretty fun. All and all Justin is a blast! So is
throwing clothes into a ceiling fan we've learned. We made a cake, that
made me throw up but was pretty darn good after the frosting dried! All
of Katie's family kept asking about his tattoos and where he used to
live. It was funny, but thanks Justin and my Katie Pie for a good time.