"till the end of the world"

Feb 26, 2005 01:09

I wish I could just go back in time and fix my mistakes. My mistakes rule my life. I wish my positive contributions would shine to me, but they don't. Only My mistakes. And now I have the rest of my life to wonder what could have been. I was so wrong believing that things were so right. It was supposed to be definate. I was told things that ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

littletaco February 26 2005, 07:52:08 UTC
:( cheer up david. I'll make you cupcakes! some day


xxxxgrrl February 26 2005, 09:06:59 UTC
sorry david, i hope everything turns out alright


yikes txskinbyrd February 26 2005, 20:24:44 UTC
What`s going on darlin`? Hope all is well.


gingerxnaps February 26 2005, 21:39:44 UTC
I wish too, David


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