Title: a silver (and green) lining
For: Original Prompt
Pairing(s): Wendy/Seulgi, Taehyung/Sooyoung, hinted!Jongin/Taemin, hinted!Jimin/Jungkook
Rating: pg
Length: 47000~
Summary: Sehun is a Slytherin senior with a lot of problems. The new Muggle Studies substitute teacher who just happens to be his first love is only one of them.
Warnings: mild bullying, violence, minor age gap
Author's note: I wanted to write so much more but I didn’t have enough time. Thanks to everyone who supported me through this, you’re the best crew a writer could ever wish for.
Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends. This fic is over 10k, and has been cross-posted to the dreamwidth mirror. Click on the link above to read, but please return back here and comment!