Title: The Chase
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Cora Hale/Erica Reyes
Rating: G
Word count: 110
A/N: Established relationship. No spoilers. Written for
drabbletag round 5 at
Summary: Erica goes hunting.
Erica ran through the forest, hair flying out behind her. The smell of her prey was strong in the air. “Nearly got her,” she thought.
A change in the wind’s direction informed her to head slightly east. Her heart pumped with exertion and excitement.
Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of dark hair racing through the woods ahead. Increasing her pace to full speed, she was on her target within moments.
“Gotcha,” she said, as she slammed into Cora, knocking them both to the ground.
“You do,” said the brunette, squirming beneath her and laughing. “And you always will,” she added, leaning up to plant a kiss on her girlfriend’s lips.