Title: It Gets Easier
Fandom: The Originals
Characters: Cami O'Connell, Davina Claire
Pairing: Cami/Davina
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: Future fic, established relationship. No spoilers. Written for prompt #469 'Running' at
femslash100. Also on
Summary: Davina and Cami are tired after a day with their children.
Davina flopped down next to her wife on the bed. “How is it only 10 o’clock?” she asked, looking at the clock on the bedside table.
“I know” said Cami, stifling a yawn. “Remember when we used to stay out all night and then come home and have sex?”
Davina gave a tired chuckle. “Amazing how exhausting spending all day running around after two toddlers can be, isn’t it?”
“Well, they’ll be in school soon” said Cami. “My mom swears it gets easier then; at least until puberty hits.”
“Oh, God, puberty” moaned Davina, burying her head under a pillow.