Title: Mastering the Beast
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Hayden Romero, Tracy Stewart
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Word count: 200
A/N: Takes place after "Status Asthmaticus," with spoilers up through that episode. Written for
challenge 17 at
lands_of_magic. Also on
Summary: Tracy helps Hayden master her werewolf half.
Hayden let out a groan of frustration. “This is impossible!” she said, sitting down on the ground and leaning her back against a tree.
“It’s not impossible” said Tracy calmly. “You just need to concentrate.” She knelt down next to Hayden and brushed a lock of hair off the younger girl’s sweaty forehead.
“Easy for you to say” said Hayden. “You at least know what you are. I still have no idea what my non-werewolf half is.”
Tracy snorted. “You think it’s easy being half kanima?” she asked. “There’s always going to be a part of me that is desperate to seek out a master, to give control over to someone else. That’s why it’s so important we master our wolf halves; so we aren’t held captive to whatever else those freaks turned us into.” She stood, then held out a hand to help Hayden up.
“I know you’re right” said Hayden, taking Tracy’s outstretched hand and standing. “But it’s just so frustrating. How long am I going to have to keep turning into some blotchy weirdo before I can become just a werewolf?”
“You’ll get there” said Tracy. “If a loser like Theo can do it, so can you.”