Fan Fiction - The Photograph - Hayley/Rebekah (The Originals) - 1/1

May 11, 2014 20:33

Title: The Photograph
Fandom: The Originals
Pairing: Hayley Marshall/Rebekah Mikaelson
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: Takes place sometime after "Farewell to Storyville" but before "The Battle of New Orleans." Written for prompt #407 'portrait' at femslash100
Summary: Hayley receives a gift to celebrate her impending motherhood.

The gift came wrapped in an elegant black-and-white box. Hayley was surprised at how heavy the package was. Opening it, she discovered a photo album, with the words “Baby’s First Year” printed across the front. There was also a camera, which she had no doubt was top-of-the-line and cost a fortune.

But more than the gift, what caught her attention was the photograph enclosed with the gift. On it, in cursive that Hayley knew better than her own writing was written “To celebrate the life of my baby niece, who I love just as much as I do her mother.”

fan fiction, relationship: hayley/rebekah, tv show: the originals, community: femslash100, character: rebekah mikaelson, character: hayley marshall

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