Title: Sees
Fandom: The Originals
Characters: Hayley Marshall & Rebekah Mikaelson
Pairing: Hayley/Rebekah
Rating: G
Word count: 50
Warnings: None
A/N: Takes place sometime after "From a Cradle to a Grave," with spoilers up through that episode. Assumes Rebekah never left town. Written for the round 3
20in20 challenge at
gameofcards. Also on
AO3. The table with all 20 stories can be found
Summary: Hayley starts to see what she was once blind to.
Ever since becoming a hybrid, Hayley sees things she never saw before.
What she sees most of all is the way Rebekah looks at her, the intense desire in the blonde Original’s eyes.
And almost before she even realizes it, Hayley is looking back at Rebekah with the same desire.