Title: A Davina Sundae
Fandom: The Originals
Pairing: Cami O'Connell/Davina Claire
Rating: G
Word count: 100
A/N: Future fic, established relationship. Spoilers for "Girl in New Orleans" and "Sinners and Saints". Written for astrology prompt #3 'Gemini' at
femslash100. Complete table
Summary: Davina tries to cheer up Cami on the anniversary of Sean's death.
“Wake up sleepyhead. You can’t spend the entire day asleep,” Davina gently shook her girlfriend awake.
“Watch me,” groaned Cami, rolling over to go back to sleep. Today was the fourth anniversary of Sean’s death, a bitter reminder of her twin’s untimely demise that left Cami depressed. “I just want to spend the day in bed wallowing, okay?”
“No,” said Davina firmly. “If you’re going to spend the day in bed, there will be no wallowing.”
“I’m not in the mood Davina.”
“You’re always in the mood. We can have ice cream for breakfast.”
“A Davina sundae?”
“A Davina sundae.”