Title: First Kiss
Fandom: The Originals
Pairing: Hayley Marshall/Rebekah Mikaelson
Rating: G
Word count: 200
A/N: Takes place during "Girl in New Orleans" so spoilers for that episode. Written for astrology prompt #6 'Virgo' at
femslash100. Complete table
Summary: An alternate take on the final scene in the bayou in "Girl in New Orleans," in which Klaus is not present and Hayley and Rebekah share their first kiss.
Rebekah was tired, frustrated, and sore. After aimlessly wandering the bayou in search of Hayley, she’d found her way back to the clinic. Exhausted, she sat down for a moment to rest when she heard the sound of someone approaching. Instantly on guard, she called out “Who’s there?”
“It’s me,” said Hayley, stumbling up to the building.
Rebekah was horrified at the state the werewolf was in. Her hair was matted, her clothes were torn, and she was covered in blood. Hurrying towards her, Rebekah asked, “Are you alright? What happened?”
“I’m fine. I can’t remember what happened though.”
Upon closer examination, Rebekah noted that the werewolf was totally healed. The baby’s vampire blood in her system, she realized. “Your own child healed you.”
“Guess she really is a miracle baby.”
Relief overwhelmed Rebekah and she embraced her friend, before moving to plant a light kiss on her lips. When she pulled away, Hayley was smiling. “What was that for?”
“Just glad you’re alright,” said the Original.
“Oh. Can we go home now? I’d really like to sleep for a few days.” Rebekah laughed.
“That sounds like the best idea I’ve heard all day. Need me to carry you?”