Title: Between the Sheets
Fandom: The Originals
Pairing: Hayley Marshall/Rebekah Mikaelson
Rating: G
Word count: 123
A/N: Future fic, established relationship. Spoilers for "From a Cradle to a Grave." Written for astrology prompt #12 'Pisces' at
femslash100. Complete table
Summary: Rebekah thinks about all the ways she and Hayley are different, and how they are perfect for each other.
Rebekah lay in bed holding Hayley and thinking about all the ways in which they were different.
Rebekah was fair; Hayley was dark.
Rebekah was a vampire who walked in the sun; Hayley was a werewolf who stayed human on the full moon.
Rebekah had been unable to have children for a thousand years; Hayley was the mother of the miracle baby Hope.
Rebekah had grown up in a warm and loving family that turned on itself and was only now starting to heal after a thousand years; Hayley grew up alone and unloved only to find warmth and love in her second life.
Despite all the ways in which they were different, when they came together between the sheets they matched perfectly.