Title: Girls Only
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Characters: Caroline Forbes, Elena Gilbert
Pairing: Caroline/Elena
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
A/N: Takes place sometime after "Growing Pains" but before "Graduation." No spoilers. Written for
challenge 13 at
writerverse. Also on
Summary: Caroline and Elena have a sleepover.
It started at one of their girls only slumber parties-the one Bonnie missed because she was visiting family.
Caroline was drunk, Elena even drunker. They’d been complaining about nothing in particular (boys, probably), when Caroline suddenly found Elena’s lips on her own.
She still wasn’t sure who had kissed who. But, to her surprise, neither woman pulled away. Instead, their passion intensified until they were stumbling into bed together.
When they awoke the next morning, each could still taste the other’s blood in her mouth.
As they dressed they swore it would never happen again. They were both lying.