Title: Hayley's Mother's Day
Fandom: The Originals
Characters: Hayley Marshall, Hope Mikaelson
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Word count: 140
A/N: Takes place about six years after "From a Cradle to a Grave" with spoilers up through that episode. Written for
challenge 37 at
writerverse. Also on
Summary: Hayley and Hope celebrate Mother's Day.
Hayley was awoken by the sound of her daughter’s voice.
“Mommy, are you awake yet?” Hope asked.
Hayley opened her eyes and gave her daughter a tired smile. “I am now.”
“Happy Mother’s Day!” said Hope.
“Thank you, sweetie” said Hayley, sitting up in bed.
“I made you something” said the child, her voice full of pride. She handed her mother a card.
On the front of the card, in her best first-grade handwriting, Hope had printed the words ‘I love you’ in red crayon. Beneath that, she’d drawn a pink heart.
“Look at the inside” said Hope excitedly. Hayley obliged her daughter.
On the inside of the card Hope had drawn a picture of herself and Hayley. “See, you’re wearing a crown because you’re the queen of the wolves.”
Hayley smiled. “I am. And you’re my special little princess.”