the ride crew. yep yep. after journey to atlantis in seaworlddd.
only the hottest bitches in seaworld. duhhh.
hah. i look like a penguin.
movie starrrr in the shark tankkk!
that is one hell of a mammal
this would be boo-boo. hes our very bestest sea lion friend. =) poor boo-boo
awieeee. happy happy joy joy
polar bearrrr!
okay so seaworld reps the budweiser... what about the coronaaa!!??
the boys the wanna sex me.
aww everyone got miserable...
i got litttt.
my lovely lady lumps.. lol, i dunno?
MUAH! Marilyn Monroe. Now whattt!???
citywalk night.
oh yes, the paparazzi are a pain...
all the junk inside that trunk.
did they not realize????
like a prayer
they said you was high class...
but that was just a lie.
zee hard rock pool.
our prank of the day.. me and my mom are noseyyy.
the girls become beautyful.
wow were drunk.
heh. a forced little smile.
odd picture...
sorry for being short mama??!!
cali.. yeah right
lol, thats itttt.