7.13.05- MaRtIn'S hOuSe- FrAnCiScO, JaYmI, FiShy FiSh, MaRtIn'S sPeEdO
7.10.05- CaMiLlAs HoUsE- CaMiLlA, JoJo, JoRgE, AtHeNa, EdDiE, JaYmI, FrAnCiScO, MaRtIn, FiSh, PupPy!
7.14.05- ShEiLa'S b-DaY (tOoK tHe PaRtY tO oUr "SpOt"- ShEiLa, XiLo, StEpH, LoReNnA?, FrAnCiScO, JaYmI, FiSh, MaRtIn.
7.17.05- ThE bEaCh- MaRtIn, JaYmI, JeNyFeR, DrE, AnNa
There's something about you now. I can't quite figure out. Everything she does is beautiful. Everything she does is right.
<3 *What day is it? And in what month? This clock never seemed so alive*