Title: This Don't Even Feel Like Falling (Part 9)
xjekkixWord Count: 636 words
Summary: Samantha used to dread visits to the gym, but she's starting to reconsider.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: This is not real.
After lunch, Samantha pulls up out front of Lindsay's house.
"Time for a nap? Are you jet lagged?" Samantha asks as the redhead tries to inconspicuously yawn.
"No, I'll probably just sit around. What are you doing?"
Samantha tells her she's got her gym bag in the back.
"You're going to the gym?" Lindsay asks, shocked.
"Mhmm. I sort of took it up while you were gone. Pent up energy," Samantha responds, trying not to blush.
"Well, let me go with you then. I've got to see this." She laughs and runs into the house to grab some more suitable clothes.
In the car, Samantha feels nervous. She knows there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way she looks, but in a room full of strangers - and worse yet, in a room with a girl she wants to continually impress - the last thing she wants to be doing is huffing, puffing and sweating. Not so attractive, she thinks.
Lindsay locks up the house and comes running out in a pair of tight-fitting shorts and an old hole-y t-shirt. Her hair is pulled up into a messy ponytail and she has a black baseball cap pulled over, practically covering her eyes. Samantha only hopes she looks this good in her gym attire.
Inside the gym, Lindsay gets right to work, asking employees which machines to use - what will make my already amazing ass a little more pinchable? Of course she doesn't really say that, but it's what Samantha hears as she heads to the change room.
She throws on a pair of loose track pants and a small tank top that fits just right. She looks in the mirror and musses her hair, making a face. It's just the gym, she thinks. You'll feel better when you're nice and fit!
As she hasn't been going for long, she doesn't really have a routine. She just uses whatever machines that aren't in use, or lifts some weights until she can't stand the burn in her arms.
Lindsay waves her over, asking the person on the treadmill beside her politely to move further down. She invites Samantha on and they begin to jog in unison.
"You look good," Lindsay says to her, smiling from the corner of her eye. Samantha blushes but tries to take the compliment modestly.
"Thanks. You too."
They've both begun to work up a sweat and Samantha suggests they take a break and head into the weight room.
Samantha lays on a flat bench and goes to lift a weight bar above her. "I could spot you," Lindsay says, leaning over the girl. Her old t-shirt hangs dangerously low, and Samantha forces her eyes shut. This is no time to lose focus.
A few reps and sets later, Samantha stands up. Lindsay asks her to flex her barely there muscles but still fawns over them like a little girl. She flexes her own, already bigger after having a personal trainer for years.
"You wanna give it a try?" Samantha asks, wiping down the bench with a sanitary sheet.
Lindsay shrugs and lifts the bottom of her shirt to wipe sweat from her forehead before it falls into her eyes. Her stomach glistens, retracting as she breathes.
"Thought I might hit the change room, actually. I'm a little out of shape," she says, taking another grab at Samantha's still flexed arm and winking.
"Right, well I'll be there in a minute," Samantha says, looking around at all the men and women who are much stronger looking than she, and then back again at Lindsay.
Samantha finds it hard to focus as she struts, her legs muscles tightening with each step.
Lindsay catches her watching and smiles slyly over her shoulder as she walks away, lifting her shirt slightly again. "I know you will."
csifreak90 indirectly gave me the idea for this. Will update later, but here's your daily tease!