Life is grand!
There aren't even words to explain. So many things have changed for me in the past few weeks and, for the most part, I think things are going to keep getting better!
1. My best friend is having a baby. She's so excited and of course I'm excited because I've never been a Godmommy before. Now all she needs is to get rid of her deadbeat boyfriend, sure to also be a deadbeat dad.
2. I'm moving to Ottawa! Very very very soon! I can't stand staying in one place for very long - well at least not at home - and so I'm excited for some new scenery. I'm moving with my friend Bee and it's going to be awesome finally being out on my own again.
3. New Brunswick was awesome! I love free vacations and getting paid for them. And I got to meet a new friend which was super cool :)
4. I came out to my mom this past weekend, and she was amazing about it. Of course, she said she sort of knew. But she told me I shouldn't have been scared to tell her, and that she was just waiting until I was ready to tell her.
Hope you all had a great weekend and enjoy your week!