Alright buddy man, buddy. See, its all about balance buddy, man. And see, well, lemme lemme lemme just put it to ya. Your not, your not, your not....... chhhhhkkkkk... (puts hand over head) you need balance-y buddy.
Sorry, you would have to know Chris to understand it. John met Chris is Guatemala... He might understand, but i'm sure he didn't get the full "Chris effect" was going through your head when you posted that? and when did you take that pic of big chris.
did you hear him trying to recruit juliana, angela and me over tuesday night for zoolander? me and sarah followed him after group, just for fun, until he finally pulled over at a gas station, rolled down the window and asked what we were doing.......ok.....and then a squirrel died. the end.
Big Chris sent me that pic... You stalked Chris?? That is great :-) And what is that about a sqirrel?? Y'all are nutz. So what are you doing tonight? Watching Zoolander?
Comments 4
did you hear him trying to recruit juliana, angela and me over tuesday night for zoolander? me and sarah followed him after group, just for fun, until he finally pulled over at a gas station, rolled down the window and asked what we were doing.......ok.....and then a squirrel died. the end.
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