A/N: Thanks to everyone who have been following along this series and commenting,
it's you people that keep me writing :D
So just for you guys, the next 2-3 chapters, I would like your suggestions on what should happen next :)
So you can post it here and tell me, cause I don't think you would want a boring vacation.... kekeke
- Taemin's POV -
Everyone pairs off and splits up. I've concluded that if I stay near Heechul oma, and Hankyung appa, Junsu will be fine and we'll all have a good time. I walk into the left half of the house and find Teukie and Eunhyuk fighting over SuSu, and Chunnie hyung,
While Wooyoung,Taec,Minho,and Khun are standing behind Teukie. "I get Chunnie so SuSu HAS to come on this side of the house." Teukie yelled. "NO! I want SuSu in my half of the house!" Eunhyuk whined. I watched as Kangin and Donghae hold them back from attacking
each other. I continue to watch until I feel a top on my shoulder. I turn around to see Heechul's back facing me. "Hop on," he said as he crouched down. I jump onto his back only to earn a groan. "You're growing up kid." He said as we walked outside.
"Where's Han appa?" I asked, "He's with Junsu in the park." 'WHAT?!' Heechul carries me all the way to the park until we can see Junsu and Han sitting on a bench. "HYUNG!" I yelled jumping off of Heechul's back. I run to Junsu and hug him tight.
His chest vibrates from his laughing, "Hi Taeminnie," we let go of each other when we hear Heechul cough. "Taemin, Rella oma has something he would like to tell you." Han hyung said. I look at him with a worried look.
"herrm....I'vedecidedthatyoudon'thavetosharearoomwithminminandyoucansharewithjunsu....." there was a long pause. 'what did he just say? all i heard was junsu, minmin, and share.' "What was that I couldn't understand.." He sighed.
"I said, I'vedecidedthatyoudon'thavetosharearoomwithminminandyoucansharewithjunsu." I look at him, 'did he just say what i think he did?!'
"Rella, say it slowly." Han said. "FINE! You don't have to share with minmin." My face breaks out with a smile as I jump on him and
hug him. "Thank you oma~" he just looks down at me, "But if I hear a slight moan, groan or anything close to it or related I swear I will break him so bad He wo-" "OMA!" "RELLA!" Me and Han appa yelled. He just smiled down at me. "Fine fine."
He lets go of me and walks to Junsu who shaking in fear. Suprisingly Heechul hugs him. "Promise me you'll take care of him, and never hurt him. That you'll always be with him no matter what happens." "I promise," I hear Junsu say, and I smile.
"Lets head back to the house, I bet Jae and Ryeo are dying trying to cook for everyone."
- Chansung's POV -
Althought we're from different complanies, we're all alike. I found out that the youngest in DBSK also eats a lot like me. And Shindong who use to be big but now is super skinny use to eat a lot too like me. And that Jay, Yoochun, and Key are the somewhat pervy ones.
I sit at the table with Changmin who is constantly shoving food into Shingdong's mouth, "Hyung, you WILL be chubby again, I can't stand you being so skinny, my clothes are TOO TOO big on you now. They use to be slightly big for you. It's sad you know." He said as he picked up
Sungmin's pumpkin break and shoved it into his mouth. Shindong just sat there with his mouth open chewing whatever Changmin gave him. "OMA WE NEED MORE FOOD!" He yelled. I laughed as I ate my noodles. "SHIM CHANGMIN DON'T YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME!"
Jaejoong said coming out the kitchen with a spatchula in hand. "And leave shin alone, he won't be able to eat dinner." I just watched and ate at the same time, as if I was watching tv. "It's okay Jae, I'm not eating tonight, and if you'll excuse me, I promised Yunho and Siwon I'd
go to the gym and run along the beach trail with them." With that said he left leaving Changmin mouth hanging open. "BUT HYUNG IF YOU WORK OUT YOU'LL JUST STAY SKINNY!" he said standing up and running after him.
Jaejoong just shook his head. "Changsun want some more?" he asked, I nodded my head and thank him. Instead of him coming out,
Hankyung did, with a plate of who knows. "Hey, Jae was busy so I just made some Bejing fried rice, take it out side and eat it on the porch.
If Heechul see's you, he won't only injury me but you too. He hates with when I only make 1 plate of Bejing fried rice and it isn't for him." I just nod as I walk outside eating. 'oh my god, there really are food gods, and their names are Jaejoong, Ryeowook, Sungmin, and Hankyung.'
I love them more than my members right now. 'I wonder if JYP will be okay with us swtiching to SM just to eat their food?...."