- Recap -
Within the hours, they arrive back in China, with a warm greeting of fans waiting for them outside. They smile and wave as the fans yell their
names, and Heechul's too. They were use to seeing Heechul with Super Junior M now. They quickly get into their respected cars and drive
off to their hostle they stay at. Manager Hyung, had decided that a dorm wouldn't be enough for them, and he sure didn't want to pay for 4-5
different hotel rooms for 3-4 months. They make it to their Hostle in 30 mintues flat only to be greeted by Hankyung's mother and their
Manager. "Mama!" Hankyung yelled getting out of the car. She smiled at her son, but smiled even wider as soon as she saw Heechul.
"HEECHUL YOU'RE BACK!" She screamed running over to him hugging him as if he was her child and not Hankyung. "Mamaaaa~ I'm your
son!" Hankyung whined as he pouted , and stomped his feet. The rest of them laughed at the way he as acting. They're leader, the manly
martial arts man, cracking when it came to his mother. "Hi mama, it's nice seeing you again!" Heechul said, hugging her tightly. "Come
Come, I made lots of food. Look at you, you're tiny! Has Hangeng been starving you?! Urgh, him watching me cook went to waste, come on
You're eating until you're sick." Heechul laughed as he was pulled towards the house. "Hannie~ come on" He said reaching out his hand to
grab hankyungs. Hankyung took his hand, stubbornly walking into the house mumbling, 'why did I even bring him.... I her son not him..'
But all mumbling and such thoughts were gone once he saw that smile on his Rella's face.
- End of Recap -
Inside smelled of chinese food everywhere. Their manager told them to unpack in their rooms before eating. With nothing unless to
discuss, all 8 boys made their way up familiar stairs to their respected rooms. Ryeowook shared a room with Siwon, Zhou Mi with Henry,
the two gamers together(Donghae and Kyuhyung), while Hankyung and Heechul shared. Well that's how it usually went until they noticed
3 rooms had an extra bed in them. Just then their manager came upstairs. "Siwon, you'll move into Hankyung and Heechul's room,
Ryeowook, you're in Henry and Zhour Mi's room. I'm in you two's room, hopefully you'll actually sleep instead of playing games. Hankyung's
mother is staying here with us. I tried getting her to stay at a hotel near by where she'll bein more comfort, but she won't have it." They all
nodded and went to their new respected rooms. "Kyu, did you bring the wii?" "Of course! did you bring the xbox?" "HALO TIME!" They posed
inside their room, punching their fist in the air as their manager rubbed his temples, he made the wrong choice of rooming with them.
But then again, it was better than the sexual room. Knowing Henry and Zhou Mi's current relationship. A groan was heard coming from
Henry's room, followed by a stern Ryeowook's voice. "There will be no touching each other while we sleep. You will close your eyes, and just
lay there, dreaming, then wake up." You'd almost think he was the Hyung out of the 3. In Hankyung's room, Heechul upacked his and
Hankyung's suitcase, then walking over taking over Siwon's suitcase. "You two go down stairs and eat, Hankyung talk to your mom, I know
how much you missed her." He smiled at them pushing them out of the room. Siwon ruffled his hair, before walking off. Hankyung stopped
at the door, turning around smiling kissing Heechul on the head before he was pushed towards the stairs.
- Donghae's POV -
Kyu and I didn't bother unpacking our clothes like everyone else, we simply threw our clothes into our respected dressers, and hung up our
jackets. Then we immediately hooked up our game consoles with care, as if they were our children. "I heard they already have the new
Starcraft game here." I told Kyu as he connected the internet on the wii. "Seriously?! Mhh, remind me to look for it. They have that new Alien
game at that one game shop we always go to. I checked online." I squealed with happiness. "You two are such geeks." a voice said. We
turned around to see Ryeowook leaning against the doorfram. "And proud," Kyu said smiling, showing his pearly whites. "Whatever, you two
better hurry up and come eat before Hankyung's mom cause and drags you by the ear again." We both held onto our ears as Ryeowook
left, remembering the last time she had dragged us from the video games at the resturant to the table. For someone at her age, she had the
death grip of Kang Ho Dong. We quickly stood up and ran down the stairs, tripping on the way. As we entered the kitchen, sitting down, she
handed us each two plates. Knowing how she feels about us, she was going to make us eat until we were overweight. She then piled
mountains of food onto them. "Thank you mama" we said in Chinese. She smiled at them.
- End of POV -
They began to eat, socializing as they ate when Hankyung's mother interrupted them. "Where's Heechul?" Everyone looked around, now
realizing here wasn't at the table. "He said he was going to come down after he finished unpacking. He kicked me and Hankyung out."
Siwon said. Hankyung's mother smiled and nodded, "I'll just o get him." "No mama, you sit and rest. You did all of this you need rest."
Knowing her son, he wouldn't take no as an answer, just like her. She simply nodded and sat down, conversating with Siwon. Hankyung
made his way upstairs, reaching his room, he knocked the door before walking in. He walked in only to find Heechul sleeping with his cat
doll. He smiled at this, Heechul was the cutest to him when he was sleeping. Like a little kid sleeping, innocently. He walked over to the
bed, lifting Heechul up with one arm, as he removed the blankets, setting him down back onto the bed. He put his doll back into his arm,
before kissing him on the forehead tucking him in. He stood up and began to walk out when he saw his mother standing in the doorway.
"I've raised you right," she said smiling patting Hankyung on the cheek. He smiled and took her hand walking back downstairs, chatting
away about how the rest of the members are, and her asking when all 15 of them were going to come visit her again. He just laughed at
the way she acted. Since she only had Hankyung, ever since he joined Super Junior, she had 'adopted' all of the members and treated them
no differently than she treats Hankyung. They all loved her for that. They reentered the kitchen as all eyes fell upon them. "He's slepping,"
She simply said. They all nodded and continued to eat. Once done, they all thanked her the delicious food. Donghae and Kyuhyun rushed
upstairs to play video games, Henry and Zhou Mi went ouside in the back sitting down in the mini garden they had, as Siwon and Ryeowook
took the dishes and washed them. "Go rest, we'll do this for you." Was all Ryeowook said before taking the plates from her. She nodded,
making her way upstairs to her room. "I'm going to go lay down, make sure Heechul eats." She told Hankyung, he nodded kissing her on the
cheek letting her go to her room. He walked into his room and saw that Heechul was up, he was sitting up clutching onto his doll as he
rudded his eyes with his freehand. 'The cutest thing ever' Hankyung said quietly.