(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 12:33


2005 In The Beginning......
Where did you ring in the New Year?: Kailyn Marie Perry's household.
Who were you with?: Kai && Jenny
Did you kiss anyone at midnight?: No :[
Did you make any resolutions?: Nope
If so did you keep them?: ...

2005 Your Love Life....
Did you have a valentine?: Nope
Did you get anything for Valentine's day?:  candy && such from friends but that's all.
Did you meet anyone?: Tons of people. None that I fell in love with though.
Did you fall in love?: hmmm
Are you still in love?: :]
How many relationships did you have?: Uno
How many break ups?: None
How many people did you kiss?: heheh uhhh i don't know.
How many sexual relations did you have?: Oh about five million && two.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your love life?: Not yet.

2005 Friends and Enemies......
Did you meet any new friends this year?: Yes, a lot <3
Did any of your friendship end?: Well, i drifted from a few people.
Did you dislike anyone?: Of course
Did you get into any fights?: uhmm, nothing big that i remember.
Did you make any new enemies?: I hope not.
Did you resolve any fights?: Yes
Who was your closest friend?: Lauren or Jenny probably
Who did you grow apart from?: well, they know who they are.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?: Nope, i love my friends with my life <3

2005 The Seasons.....
Favorite winter memory?: Sleeping over Lauren's the night of the first snow && leaving Ana && Jenny inside while me && her went outside to play in it at 5 AM. haha yeah. we're amazing.
Least favorite winter memory?: hmmmmm. christmas ending? i don't know.
Favorite spring memory?: It starting to get warm <3 Or the Sox game & dance cruise with school.
Least favorite spring memory?: hmmm, i'm not sure.
Favorite summer memory?: Basically the fact that it was summer <3
Least favorite summer memory?: The fact that it ended.
Favorite fall memory?: Starting school && meeting so many awesome people.
Least favorite fall memory?: Uhm, going to school haha

2005....The Holidays!
What was your favorite holiday?: Probably Christmas!
Least favorite holiday?: haha. it was most likely Valentine's Day
Any special family holiday traditions?: hmm nope
Did you go to any holiday parties?: si :]
Did the Easter bunny visit you?: Of course. More than once. He's my homeboy.
Did you watch fire works on the 4th of July?: Yes
Did you dress up for Halloween?: haha, in pajamas with Jen. yeah, we were sleepwalkers. wicked creative huh? :]
What did you do for Thanksgiving?: Familia came over.
Did you make a list of gifts for the holidays?: Yes I did.
Did you receive what you wanted?: Mostly, yes!
Where you good this holiday season?: I think i was :]

2005 Your BIRThDAY!!!
How old did you turn?: 15 :]
Did you have a cake?: Duh
What did you do for your birthday?: nothing special this year
Did you have a party?: no
Did you get any presents?: yes yes :]
If so what was the best thing you got?: Uggs <33

2005......The Memories and Accomplishments!
Best Memory #1?: Graduation
Best Memory #2?: Summer
Best Memory #3?: Whittier
Worst Memory #1?: Luke's strokey thing.
Worst Memory #2?: Getting grounded this summer.
Worst Memory #3?: Uhmmms. not sure
Best Accomplishment #1?: Getting into Whittier
Best Accomplishment #2?: Getting honor roll
Best Accomplishment #3?: & uhmm. i basically have nothing to be proud of! lol

2005.....All about YOU....
Did you change at all this year?: I'm not actually sure, did I?
Did you dye your hair?: No
Did you get your hair cut?: Yup
Did you change your style?: I don't think soo
Where were you in school?: GMS & WT
Did you get good grades?: Mostly
Did you have a job?: Yeahhh
Did you drive?: Don't thinkkk so.
Did you own a car?: No
Did you lose anyone this year?: Family friends, yes. :[
Did anyone close to you give birth?: My cousin
Did you move at all?: No
Did you go on any vacations?: hmmm nope.
Did you leave the country at all?: No
Would you change anything about yourself now?: yeah, i guess.

2005.....Wrap Up.
Was 2005 a good year?: Yes <3
What would you change about the year?: hmm, just stupid drama probably.
Did 2005 bring any new insights?: By having to leave all my friends behind i learned how much they truly meant to me && how lucky I am to have them.
What have your learned about yourself?: I learned .. that I am Jackie! :]
Do you think 2006 will top 2005?: I hope so!
Do you have any goals for 2006?: Lose weightt.
If you could relive any moment which would you choose?: All the end of the year field trips last year, or anytime this summer because it was amazing.
If you could forget any moment what would it be?: ohhhh i dunno.
Do you wish 2005 wouldn't end?: Well, It already did. lol
Do you plan to do anything special for NYE 2006?:  Already happened && it was amazingly super :]
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