Okay, here's the rest of the pictures!
This was fun. We went on the Maid of the Mist, which was nuts, and rode bikes all over the place, which was hella sweet. We even rode them across the bridge to Canada, and hung out there for a while. Slept in the back of my car, keeping with Niagara tradition. All in all, a fun time.
No Dropping Squares on the subway!
This sign got us on T.V.!
This was a fun family trip. Not too much adventuring going on here, but my grandma used to have season tickets for the Yankees and hasn't been to Yankee Stadium in like 50 years or something...maybe even longer...so my dad wanted to take her to one last game. The Yankees beat Tampa Bay...those bastards.
The Podium.
This was reeeaaallll fun. I guess it even made it into the Romeo Observer! I wish more people would have showed up. The Gold Sprints were especially fun. Next year's is gonna be even better! Stephanie, you should start planning it now! And looking for sponsors!!!!
Not too many pictures from the keys. Still had fun. Shot a ton of fish, which is awesome. I think there are some pictures of them, but I don't have any of them right now...maybe for a later post. That's Sam and I on top of the continental U.S.'s southern most point. Sam's poses are way sexier than mine...
Got a free canoe! And then made seats for it! It's pretty dope.
New touring bike! This thing is FAT! I really want to start taking like two day one night camping trips with it, but first I need a tent and a stove! I've been obsessed with getting these two things, and the subsequent ebay searches have consumed my life. I need to get one already so I can get on with living.
Well I guess that's it. I also have a new polo bike, and have been playing polo a lot lately, which is killer. If I find pictures of that I'll post them. Photobucket is being such a betch lately! It sucks. Oh well. Byeeee!