When you're not here, I wish that I was there...

Jan 25, 2005 00:00

Dear Friends,

Haha, made you look. It's only a survey.

01. Full Birth Name: Kathryn Rebecca Tucker
02. Natural Hair Color at birth: Brown
03. Hair Color Currently: Brown
05. Eye Color Currently: Brown... wow, I'm boring
06. Height Currently: 5'9" or around that
07. Glasses/contacts: Sunglasses, how cool am I?
08. Birthdate: 29/11/83
09. Sign: Sagittarius
10. Current Age: 21, so old
11. Parents Names: Andrew and Michelle
12. Siblings: Chris
13. Home: Newnan, GA
14. School Attending: GA State University
16. GPA: I think I'm maintaining a 3.9 at the moment
17. College Plans: Ha, I attend already
18. Planned College Major: Finance
20. Any Piercing: Ears, bellybutton and nipples. Just kidding, I don't have my ears nipples done

01. Best Friends: Zac, Nat, Nick (at times), Nikki, Skye, Serena
02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Zac-a-ma-bot
03. Best friend: Zac and Nat
04. Current Crush: Zachary
05. Hobbies: Interpretive dance, being sarcastic, banging Zac the drums
06. Where Can You Usually Be Found: The Hanson household, my house, Nat's house, the mall, school
07. Who Can You Usually Be Found With: Zac
08. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: Wallflower, I am a very shy and quiet person not
09. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: Silver VW Bug
10. What Type Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: Jag XY
11. Who Do You Know Personally That Has The Best Car: Zac
12. Are You Timely Or Always Late: Few minutes late usually
13. Do You Have A Job: Not at the moment
14. Do You Attend Church: Not as often as I should
15. Are You Active In Your Youth Group: I used to be, when I was 15. But I had a crush on the youth leader so I'm thinking that's why I went so much
16. Do You Like Being Around People: I have my moments

Out Of Your friends...Who:
01. Have You Known The Longest: Nat with Nick coming in at a close second
02. Do You Argue The Most With: Scott, we never see eye to eye on anything
03. Do You Always Get Along With: Zac, Nat, Nikki
04. Is The Most Trustworthy: See previous answer and add Taylor
05. Makes You Laugh The Most: Zac and Lauren
06. Has Been There Through All The Hard Times: If we're counting my whole life, Natalie, but since I've known him, Zac's been there too
07. Is The Most Sensitive: Serena
08. Has The Coolest Parents: Nick's parents are awesome
09. Has The Coolest Sibling(s): Haha, Zac (woooo Jess!)
10. Has The Coolest House: Dave, the kid is so spoilt, he has like everything ever. He's so totally never moving out of his parents house, he has it too good
11. Is The Most Encouraging: Lauren, definitely
12. Is The Most Blunt: Sean
13. Is The Shyest: Serena
14. Is The Most Outgoing: Jess
15. Is Most Likely To Become Famous: Markus Dorkus, if his plan of getting as big as Ricky Martin pans out... either that or he'll go on a killing spree or Avie with her paintings
16. Is Most Likely To Become Rich: Pete, the kid works 24/7
17. Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail: Alan and Ally, it's only a matter of time
18. Is Most Likely To Have A Million Kids: Dave, well he won't personally have the kids - but he will personally impregnate a lot of women/men/animals
19. Is Most Likely To Never Have Kids: Skye, she hates kids with a fire of 1000 suns. Maybe even more
20. Always Wears A Smile: Kayleigh
21. Is Smartest: Tim is a genius, but lacks common sense
22. Has The Biggest Attitude: No one really
23. Would Without Thinking About It, Die For You: I hope at least one of them
24. Complains The Least: Dan the man
25. Biggest Flirt: Dave. He's a manwhore. See question 18
26. Needs A Good Man/Woman: Lana, she needs both, haha
27. Never EVER Betrayed You: Zac, Nat, Skye, Taylor, Isaac
28. Who you would die for: Zac, Nat, my family
29. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Loved? No. Had a crush on? Sure, who hasn't?
30. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: Yep
31. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: Not really, no
32. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): Probably, but nothing huge
33. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: Noooope, I have my bubs
34. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: Yeah, there's been an instance in which that happened
35. Are You Lonely Right Now: Not really, no
36. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: I'm not terrified by that thought, no
37. Do You Want To Get Married: One day, I guess
38. Do You Want Kids: One day

01. Who Do You Think Of When you Hear These Names:
Shawn/Sean: From LA, is never seen without a hat on
Steve: Nikki's brother's stoner friend
Pat: The woman in the cafeteria at high school
Bob: Spongebob Squarepants
Jessica: Hawt as farq Hanson
Elizabeth: Ellie from college

01. Place for piercing: On guys? Eyebrows. On me? Bellymabutton
02. Room In house: Bedroom
03. Girl's Name: Skye
04. Guy's Name: Dom
05. Person to talk to about your problems: Zac or Natalie
06. Type of music: Whatever floats my boat at the time
07. Song: "The Walk" - Zac
08. Family Member: Ricky
09. Memory: Meeting Zac
10. Least favorite memory: Wasted time with certain people
11. Day Of The Week: Saturday
13. Color: Yellow
12. Perfume Or Cologne: Gucci Envy Me
13. Flower: Roses
14. Possession: Ring from Zac
15. Month: December

01. coke or pepsi: Coke
02. winter or summer: Summer
03. autumn or spring: Autumn
04. mac or cheese: Don't they kinda go together? Like peas in a pod? But I guess I'd pick cheese
05. weekdays or weekend: Weekends
06. computer or tv: Depends what I'm doing
07. fruit or veggies: Fruit
08. good or bad: Without bad times there can't be good times
09. little or big: Haha, what ARE we talking about here? Zac sized... (woot!)
10. cats or dogs: Dogs
11. black or white: Black
12. salt or pepper: Salt. I'm a recovering salt addict
13. playstation2 or n64: PS2, but I'd rather an XBox
14. shoes or sandals: Flip flops
15. guys or girls: I get along the same with both of them, but if you mean sexually, then boys
16. cookies or cake: Where? I WANT!
17. walmart or kmart: Walmart
18. peanut butter or jelly: Peanut butter
19. friends or family: My friends are practically my family
20. glasses or contacts: Glasses
21. gum or candy: Candy, jelly snakes especially
22. day time or night: Night
23. plastic or paper: I'm all for recycling
24. spit or swallow: Generally I spit, but with Zac I swallow (hahaha, too much info, I know)
25. solids or stripes: Stripes
26. low cut socks or regular: Regular... knee high socks!
28. crest or oral b: Crest
29. mcdonalds or wendys: Maccas
30. mom or dad: Mommy
31. math or science: I guess I should say math because I'm doing finance, so English (yes, I am aware it's not a choice)
32. french or spanish: Francais, but Jesus Glisto! Spanish is cool also
33. basketball or baseball: Basketball
34. skiing or snowboarding: Snowboarding, I love it, but I suck at it

01. Cried: Yeah
02. Bought Something: Yeah, this is me, duh
03. Gotten Sick: Yep
04. Sang: Yeah, not well though
05. Said I Love You: Yep, haven't stopped really
06. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: Nope
07. Met Someone New: Yeah
08. Moved On: To where? So, no
09. Talked To Someone You Have A Crush On: I talk to Zac all the time
10. Had A Serious Talk: Yep
11. Missed Someone: Yes, like hell, even though I am mad out of my brains at him
12. Hugged Someone: Yep
13. Kissed Someone: Yep
14. Fought With Your Parents: Nope
15. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: Nope
16. Had a lot of sleep: Not really, no
17. Wanted This Survey To Be Over: Yeah

Again, I find the less I eat, the sleepier I become. I do believe that's dying.

Kate xxx
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