[ x ] Spell your first name backwards - Nart (-snicker-, "nart") Alim
[ x ] The story behind your lj user name - Ki: Tree, Ko: Child. (Jap)
[ x ] Are you a lesbian - Nope- what kind of question is that? Aren't we rather. . . yeah (lost what she was going to say)
[ x ] Where do you live - Maryland. . . snooze.
[ x ] 4 words that sum you up - Sarcastic. . . . sarcastic. . . Slytherin (XD). . . sarcastic
[ x ] Wallet - What wallet? I do not know of this wallet you speak of. >_<
[ x ] Hairbrush - . . . prickly
[ x ] Toothbrush - . . . bristly?
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily - . . .pentacle pendant ^_^ Pagan Pride!
[ x ] Pillow cover - . . . lavender. . .esque. . . o.o
[ x ] Blanket - Fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuffffffffffyyyyyyyyy ^_^
[ x ] Coffee cup - In the end, you will see that there is no coffee cup- it is only your mind that bends. o.O
[ x ] Sunglasses - crushed and lost. . . am I allowed to use more than one word?
[ x ] Underwear - Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. . . . . -checks- it has cute fishies!!!
[ x ] Shoes - Smells like feet. o.o;;
[ x ] Handbag - Erk, does my messanger bag for school count?
[ x ] Favorite shirt - . . . schitzophrenicy
[ x ] Cologne/Perfume - Amy Brown-ish ^_^
[ x ] CD in stereo right now - Erm. . . swing music I think. . .
[ x ] Tattoos - <--is going to get one real soon
[ x ] Piercings - Ears. . . but I lost my earrings.
[ x ] What you are wearing now - What are YOU wearing? -mock seductive look-
[ x ] Hair - messy
[ x ] Makeup - Blech -thumbs down-
WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
[ x ] In my mouth - More bacteria than the number of humans that ever lived (That's one thing that everyone has in their mouth ;x) ((<--says Jo)) OMG!! I learned that in Bio the other week XDD
[ x ] In my head - moths
[ x ] Wishing - er. . . food?
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now - Phelps Twins! <33
[ x ] Is next to you - My "invisible" friend, Lil' Timmy ^_^
[ x ] Some of your favorite movies - Can't. . . Think. . . Hurts. . . Much. . .
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - No more school?
[ x ] The last thing you ate - chips. . .
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of - Stuff with more than four legs
[ x ] Do you like candles - Yessssssssssssss. . . . -lights curtains. . . err. . . . I mean, candles-
[ x ] Do you like hot wax - Yessssssss -pours hot wax on hand and watches it dry- Erk. . . -notices an audience and rubs hot wax on little nephew-
[ x ] Do you like incense - Yup ^_^ Sometimes it makes my head all spinny though. . .
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood - . . . a. . .little, I suppose. If I cut myself. . . my blood, not yours, not anyone elses!
[ x ] Do you believe in love - I guess. . . it's. . . out there o.O
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates - Erm, what's with all the questions?!?!?! What is this?!? A SURVEY!?!?
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight - No. . .
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven - No.
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness - Sure? I don't though. . . not really. . .
[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die - to be. . . burned. .. -cackles- fire. . .
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy - Erm. . .
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be - USHI!!! MUUUU!!!!
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up - 10 AM
[ x ] Ever been to Belgium - Yes. . . it was. . . not quite as waffley as I would've thought.
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks - Can you eat with chopsticks? -shifty eyes-
[ x ] What's your favorite coin - If it's shiney. . . then why wouldn't I like it?
[ x ] What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to - Any. Where. But. Here. -counts- -thinks: that's only four, sh-t!- Dude. -that's five XD-
[ x ] What are some of your favorite pig out foods - chips!
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand - That Pagans canNOT turn people into frogs! YOU WEIRDOS! THIS IS NOT BEWITCHED! >_<
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better - People. . .
[ x ] Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time - Erm. . . some blurty friends. . . some other online friends. . .