~!~LiViNg It UP~!~

Feb 24, 2005 23:10

Dear Diary,
Gosh! I'm just waiting for the w/e to come!! Its like gonna b one of the best w/e's EVER!! I'm so excited!! Things are going great right now! A lot of good things happening in my life! So like usual, lets recap it up! lol
School~Well, I missed Wendsday cuz I was like insane sick!! It was awful!! I missed skewl lol I missed all my freinds ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

iheartkisses February 25 2005, 19:32:58 UTC
get better


iheartkisses February 25 2005, 23:07:10 UTC
sam im so sad my friends little dog got hit by a car on jackson street he's dead


__silvertears February 26 2005, 07:42:50 UTC
iif you havent already posted an application in ___pretty__ PLEASE do so asap.
thank you
mod of ___pretty__


gallianogirl February 26 2005, 13:00:52 UTC
saw you in hawt spot, thought you might like

... )


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