i had a bad day and all that anger i let out on my mom.i had to take a breather so i left the house and decided to go down to the park
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project revolution on friday- the used, linkin park, snoop dog, korn... EFFIN BADASS PEOPLE!!! ok so here are a few pictures from new york/conneticut... ROCK ON PREPS haha...
don't you love it when a guys' all oh baby i wnat to get back with you so much i miss you... and then you say well ive had a bf all summer so i dunno maybe i'll c and the night after he goes and asks his "best friend" out who she...while your only going out wiht him is his best friend but now its... OMG I LOVE YOU YOU ARE THE BEST THING IN MY
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HAVE YOU: (x) been drunk (_) smoked pot (_) done drugs other than pot & alcohol (x) kissed a member of the opposite sex (x) kissed a member of the same sex (x) crashed a friend's car (crashed into a friends car) (_) been to japan (x) ridden in a taxi (_) had anal sex (x) been in love (_) had sex (_) had sex in public (x) been dumped (x) shoplifted
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