Once you've been tagged...
1) Copy/paste it in a new note
2) Answer all the questions
3) Tag 10 people, including the person who tagged you
ABC About You Questions:
A - AVAILABLE--> yes
B - BIRTHDAY--> feb 20. idk, birthdays... they just come and go like they don't matter anymore
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD--> milk tea
E - EASIEST PERSON(S) TO TALK TO--> rita. she lets me bitch a lot because she's a really mean person now so she can't tell me off. plus we mutually brainwash each other in our habits.
F - FAVORITE SONG--> atm, sins - acid black cherry
G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS--> bears are so much cuter, you can make them hug.
H - HOMETOWN--> hua lian
I - IN LOVE WITH--> frilly things
J - JUGGLE--> not at all
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE--> to banff and back
O - ONE WISH--> fix everything
P - PERSON CALLED YOU LAST? --> probably rita
R- REASON TO SMILE--> because frilly things make me happy (until i put it on and go o_________o' in the mirror)
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD--> sins - acid black cherry
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP--> 8 10
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR--> i have lots of different colours. when i go back this time i'm going to get really frilly ones with bows >3<
V - VEGETABLE(S)--> i like carrots, corn, and broccoli
W - WORST HABIT--> self-conscious, throwing clothes away after wearing it 3 times (or less)
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD--> teeth
Y - YOYOS ARE--> lame
Z - ZODIAC SIGN--> pisces? monkey? which is the zodiac again?
Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels--> nn
Your favorite number--> 3
What color do you wear most?--> probably blue because of my jeans
Least favorite color?--> orange
What are you listening to?--> sins - acid black cherry
Are you happy with your life right now?--> no, i don't think it's possible
What is your favorite class/option in school?--> socials classes
Who is your best friend?--> rita & cindy, and also victoria is very nice to me and she takes care of me ;O;
When do you start back at school/college--> just yesterday actually
Are you outgoing?--> not at all
Favorite pair of shoes?--> i only have like one pair of shoes and even THEY are slowly breaking D< stupid shoes from china
Where do you wish you were right now?--> somewhere where i can shop without embarrassing myself. except such a place doesn't exist. so i'm happy to be at home. XD
Can you dance?--> not at all ;O;
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?--> no
Can you whistle?--> a little
Write with both hands?--> not really with my left
Cross your eyes?--> if i look at my nose...
Walk with your toes curled?--> ouch, but yeah
Do you believe there is life on other planets?--> who knows
Do you believe in miracles?--> sort of
Do you believe in magic?--> no
Love at first sight?--> no
Do you believe in Santa?--> no...
Do you like roller coasters?--> no ;O;
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?--> nooooo
Have you ever been on a plane?--> yeah
Have you ever been to the ocean?--> yeah
Have you ever painted your nails?--> yes. i'm very happy with my new favourite colour =DD
What is the temperature outside? cold
What radio station do you listen to? none
What was the last restaurant you ate at? pho takeout
What was the last thing you bought?--> lunch
What was the last thing on TV you watched?--> probably lollipop like 3 weeks ago lol
Ever really cried your heart out? yeah
Ever cried yourself to sleep?--> yeah
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?--> once
Ever cried over the opposite sex?--> yep
Do you cry when you get an injury?--> yes
Do certain songs make you cry?--> rarely
Are you a happy person?--> trying
What can make you happy?--> friends and money
Do you wish you were happier?--> yes
Can music make you happy?--> for a short while
What is your current hair color?--> black ;_;
Current piercings?--> 0
Have any tattoos?--> 0
Eye color? --> dark brown
Favorite eye color?--> brown
Short or long hair?--> longish short
Height?--> well it's easier to be taller than me